Issue - meetings
Future of Housing Management Services – Strategic Review and Consultation
Meeting: 22/02/2023 - Cabinet (Item 6)
6 Future of Housing Management Services – Strategic Review and Consultation PDF 325 KB
Additional documents:
- Appendix. 1 for Future of Housing Management Services – Strategic Review and Consultation, item 6
PDF 341 KB
- Appendix. 2 for Future of Housing Management Services – Strategic Review and Consultation, item 6
PDF 117 KB
- Appendix. 3 for Future of Housing Management Services – Strategic Review and Consultation, item 6
PDF 428 KB
- Appendix. 4 for Future of Housing Management Services – Strategic Review and Consultation, item 6
PDF 300 KB
- Webcast for Future of Housing Management Services – Strategic Review and Consultation
To note the results of the consultation on the
future of services for people living in council homes, as set out
in paragraph 3.6 of the report.
2. To authorise the transfer of housing management services back in-house for the reasons set out in the report and authorise the relevant Corporate Directors following consultation with the Mayor to undertake the following:
i. Serving notice to terminate the Management Agreement with Tower Hamlets Homes.
ii. Approval of organisational structures including amending or adding structures to accommodate staff and services transferring into the Council.
iii. Staff consultation and administration of the transfer of staff under TUPE (Transfer of Undertakings Protection of Employment) regulations.
iv. Transfer of budgets and financial processes.
v. Resolution of contract novation and other legal issues.
vi. Establishment of new governance arrangements.
vii. Co-production of a tenants and leaseholders’ engagement strategy.
viii. Such other actions as are reasonably incidental and necessary to allow for the Council's Housing Management function to be delivered “in house” such as the appointment of consultants and other resources to support the move back in house.
Action by:
Director of Housing (K. Swift)
Councillor Kabir Ahmed (Cabinet Member for Regeneration, Inclusive Development and Housebuilding) introduced the report that set out the results of the consultation on the proposal to bring housing management services back in-house, under the direct control of the Council. Councillor Ahmed explained that the proposal represented an opportunity to create more joined-up services; to increase accountability to residents and the housing regulator; and to realise the Council’s strategic approach to deliver more good quality new homes.
Councillor Ahmed welcomed the response rate of over 3,000 responses, which he indicated compared favourably to consultations ran under previous administrations, and the overwhelming support shown for the proposal to in-source at over 86 per cent in favour.
Karen Swift, Director of Housing and Nicola Klinger, Housing Companies Manager, provided further detail of the proposal and the consultation exercise. Karen and Nicola explained that whilst the consultation response was good, the Council would be seeking to learn from other authorities how to best increase engagement. Officers would also be reviewing around 1400 qualitative comments to better understand residents feeling.
At the invitation of the Mayor, Ann Otesanya, Chief Executive THH, addressed the meeting. Ann stressed how THH officers want to work with the Mayor to make the transition as smooth and swift as possible.
The Mayor welcomed the report and offered his thanks all residents who participated in the consultation. He also thanked Ann and Council and Tower Hamlets Homes (THH) officers for their performance and passion in delivering housing services to residents, but he felt there was room for improvement and he hoped this proposal would deliver that.
To note the results of the consultation on the
future of services for people living in council homes, as set out
in paragraph 3.6 of the report.
2. To authorise the transfer of housing management services back in-house for the reasons set out in the report and authorise the relevant Corporate Directors following consultation with the Mayor to undertake the following:
i. Serving notice to terminate the Management Agreement with Tower Hamlets Homes.
ii. Approval of organisational structures including amending or adding structures to accommodate staff and services transferring into the Council.
iii. Staff consultation and administration of the transfer of staff under TUPE (Transfer of Undertakings Protection of Employment) regulations.
iv. Transfer of budgets and financial processes.
v. Resolution of contract novation and other legal issues.
vi. Establishment of new governance arrangements.
vii. Co-production of a tenants and leaseholders’ engagement strategy.
viii. Such other actions as are reasonably incidental and necessary to allow for the Council's Housing Management function to be delivered “in house” such as the appointment of consultants and other resources to support the move back in house.