Issue - meetings
Meeting: 28/11/2022 - Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 7)
To note the Action Log.
Additional documents:
The committee noted the updated Action Log and the Committee.
Meeting: 26/09/2022 - Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 6)
To note the Boards Action Log.
Additional documents:
Noted the updated Action Log and the Committee.
**Support for Customers who cannot access Digital Services**
In response to the performance data on satisfaction level of residents who are unable to access services digitally. The Committee noted concerns expressed by Councillor Marc Francis that:
v The data provided is in relation to the whole of the Borough in terms of access services digitally and it would have been more useful if that information had been broken down between the in-house and outsourced providers to provide a comparative analysis to measure just how significant that impact has been and is continuing to be on customer access.
v constituents have expressed concerns about the difficulty that they are having, in engaging with the Council online whether it is about (i) reporting missed bin collections; or (ii) the inability to get through to parking or housing services.
v prior to the pandemic residents were able to talk to staff directly when they had issues in areas such as council tax and housing. However, despite the easing of restrictions people are being increasingly directed to access services online, leading to concerns people are not getting the help they need at a time of crisis. Therefore, immediate steps need to be taken to provide in person advice to help support people in greatest need.
**Performance data on number of young people attending and number of those achieved accredited outcomes**
v The performance data for the period April 2021 – March 2022 has seen an increase in the number of contacts, participants, recorded outcomes, and accredited outcomes leading up to the end of Q4 last financial year.
v This achievement has been supported by a number of factors such as increased ‘on-line activities;’ ‘outreach’ and ‘detached’ work. This has allowed youth providers to put on a wider selection of activities that have appealed to young people keen to come out and re-engage in a youth club setting post Covid. In addition, parents and carers have also been very flexible in allowing young people to engage due to the negative impact of Covid has had on young people being isolated and on their mental health and well-being.
Finally, the Chair thanked Councillor Frances for highlighting his concerns in regard to these issues.