Issue - meetings
Withdrawal from the London Housing Consortium Joint Committee
Meeting: 09/02/2022 - Cabinet (Item 6)
6 Withdrawal from the London Housing Consortium Joint Committee PDF 439 KB
Additional documents:
[Recommendation 2 was deleted. It was not required as Recommendation 1 was agreed.]
1. To agree that Tower Hamlets, as one of the ten Constituent Authorities of the LHC Joint Committee, withdraws from the LHC Joint Committee, resulting in its potential disbandment in December 2022 at the earliest.
2. That Tower Hamlets notifies LHC of this decision by 25th February 2022 at the latest.
3. Agrees that Tower Hamlets will consider in a future meeting, the options for continued participation in the new LHC corporate entity when it is known in March 2022.
Action by:
(Director of Housing (K. Swift)
(Head of Democratic Services (M. Mannion)
Councillor Danny Hassell, Cabinet Member for Housing, introduced the report. He explained that the London Housing Consortium had undertaken a governance review which had determined that the current joint committee was no longer the most appropriate approach so a new corporate entity was to be established. The Council therefore needed to withdraw from the current committee so that it could be reconstituted.
The Mayor welcomed the report and proposed the recommendations as set out. These were unanimously agreed by the Members present and it was:
1. To agree that Tower Hamlets, as one of the ten Constituent Authorities of the LHC Joint Committee, withdraws from the LHC Joint Committee, resulting in its potential disbandment in December 2022 at the earliest.
2. That Tower Hamlets notifies LHC of this decision by 25th February 2022 at the latest.
3. Agrees that Tower Hamlets will consider in a future meeting, the options for continued participation in the new LHC corporate entity when it is known in March 2022.