Issue - meetings
Check in on response to NEL CCG Restructure
Meeting: 01/02/2022 - Tower Hamlets Health and Wellbeing Board (Item 2)
Additional documents:
- APPENDIX 1: Update on the Integrated Care System developments and Borough Based Partnership, item 2 PDF 789 KB
- Webcast for North East London Integrated Care System (NEL ICS) discussions and Tower Hamlets Together (THT)
The Board received a presentation that (i) focused on the updated timeline and ambitions of the NEL ICS changes; and (ii) outlined the potential form and functions options that are available to borough partnerships as part of the wider changes. A summary of the key themes highlighted in the discussions on the presentation is set out below:
The Board:
v Noted that the purpose of this presentation is to give an update on the upcoming changes via the forming of the NEL Integrated Care System (ICS) and the impact of this at a borough level on the Tower Hamlets Together (THT) Partnership. The national timelines have now been extended to 1st July for the formation of the NEL ICS. This is due to the recent winter pressures and the ongoing Covid-19 situation.
v Noted that the system has undergone some significant change recently, especially at the CCG and system levels, due to implementation of requirements set out in the NHS Long Term Plan.
v Noted that with the introduction of the Integrated Care System (ICS) there is a real opportunity through the ICS arrangements to look at the structure of the decision-making process alongside the THT partnership arrangements.
v Noted that working in an integrated way is not new for Tower Hamlets, and the Borough has a strong history of partner agencies working together across the system to provide health and care for patients. Most recently this was very much at the heart of the local response to the Covid pandemic and the rollout of the vaccination programme. Agreed that for Tower Hamlets Together, this means evolving into a Place-based Partnership within the North East London Integrated Care System.
v Agreed on the importance in developingstrong leadership; driving the transformation; and implementing the health and well-being strategy. Which requires consideration to be given to looking at (i) a continuation of representation from the GP Federation; (ii) a primary care representative coming from the local clinical leads; (iii) the proposals around Healthwatch; (iv) Borough based partnerships;(v) how to build in the clinical and care professional leadership within the Borough into the partnership arrangements.
v Agreed on the importance to make sure that the required infrastructure is in place, to be able to support decisions based on population need, which may or may not be people from a public health background, but that have the relevant expertise to develop the required form and function for an Integrated Care System.
v Agreed that as the Integrated Care System will bring together a wide range of partners across a number of different local authority boundaries. That there is a need to reconcile local concerns with the need to consider the wider impact of transformation over the whole healthcare system.
v Agreed that effective public scrutiny has a role in helping local providers to reduce inequalities, to improve people’s lives, to improve people’s experiences, to deliver better health and better services and to achieve greater value from the public’s money. Effective public ... view the full minutes text for item 2