Issue - meetings
Nomination to Outside Bodies
Meeting: 30/06/2021 - Cabinet (Item 6)
6 Nomination to Outside Bodies PDF 326 KB
Additional documents:
1. To agree the nominations to outside bodies as shown in Paragraph 3.3 of the report.
Action by:
(Head of Democratic Services (M. Mannion)
(Democratic Services Team Leader (Committee) (J. West)
Reasons for the decisions
Having representatives on outside bodies increases the Council’s engagement with the local community and improves its potential to offer leadership and guidance in relation to activities taking place in the borough.
London-wide initiatives can also offer considerable benefits that promote delivery of the Council’s key priorities. Conditions of some London-wide partnerships and trusts are that the Council is represented on their boards.
Alternative options
The cabinet could decide not to make appointments to outside bodies at all. However, this is not recommended as it would reduce the Council’s opportunity to be involved in and to support good work within the community and it would also reduce the Council’s leadership opportunities. There are also a number of bodies where the Council is required or expected to provide a representative.
The Mayor introduced the report setting out a number of nominations to Outside Bodies. He moved the recommendations as set out and they were agreed without dissent. It was:
1. To agree the nominations to outside bodies as shown in Paragraph 3.3 of the report.