Issue - meetings
Pensions Administration and LGPS Update
Meeting: 07/06/2021 - Pension Board (Item 8)
8 Pensions Administration and LGPS Update PDF 491 KB
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Ms Miriam Adams, Interim Head of Pensions and Treasury said the report provided members with information relating to the administration and performance of the Fund over the last quarter as well as updates on key LGPS issues and initiatives which impact the Fund.
Ms Adams referred to the table at paragraph 3.1 and the number of active and deferred members as well as paragraph 3.5 which referred to Purgo Supply Services Limited who were admitted to the scheme on the 1st April 2021.
In response to questions from members the following was noted:
- Referring to paragraph 3.4 and the number of employers who still need to put their employee payroll data onto i-connect, Ms Adams said she was working with HR to resolve this. HR are conducting a wider health check of its systems and pensions was part of that review, so the hope is the employers will update their payroll data.
- Referring to paragraph 3.3 and the number of new tasks in relation to starters and the total number outstanding as at 31st March 2021, Mr Stephen-Thompson asked if there was a reason for the high number. Ms Adams responded stating every new employee is added to the pensions scheme as is every employer. The issue with new starters is when the Council has re-organised services/teams. The HR payroll system accounts for them as new starters even though they are not. Each entry therefore needs to be checked to verify if they are a new starter or not.
The Pensions Board RESOLVED to:
Note the recommendations being made to the Pensions Committee who were to consider this report at their meeting of 5th July 2021:
The Pensions Committee is recommended to:
- Note and comment on the contents of the report and appendix; and
- Agree the admission of Purgo Supply Services Limited to the Scheme.