Issue - meetings
140, 146 Brick Lane and 25 Woodseer Street, London, E1 6RU (PA/20/00415)
Meeting: 27/04/2021 - Development Committee (Item 5)
5 140, 146 Brick Lane and 25 Woodseer Street, London, E1 6RU (PA/20/00415) PDF 4 MB
Redevelopment to include erection of a part five storey office building (Class B1) plus rooftop plant with ground floor and first floor commercial units (Class A1/A3) and two storey basement for provision of plant, servicing, storage and a gym (Class D2) (140 Brick Lane - Plot S1), linked to the reconfigured ground floor of the adjacent building and provision for commercial units (Class A1) (146 Brick Lane - Plot H), refurbishment and two storey extension of the adjacent building (25 Woodseer Street - Plot S2) for office use (Class B1) with ground floor commercial unit (Class A3), plus rooftop plant and external landscaping.
Grant Planning Permission subject to conditions and legal agreement
Additional documents:
Update report was published.
Councillor Kevin Brady movedand Councillor Abdul Mukit seconded a proposal that the consideration of the planning application be deferred for the reason set out below.
On a vote of 5 in favour and 0 against the Committee RESOLVED:
That the consideration and determination of planning permission is DEFERRED at 140, 146 Brick Lane and 25 Woodseer Street, London, E1 6RUdue to the following reason:
· To enable Officers to explore further the Head of Terms for the s106 agreement in relation to the terms & provision of affordable workspace and the provision of independent retail space with a focus on supporting existing local businesses and the community cohesion aspects of these matters.
In accordance with Development Procedural Rules, the application was DEFERRED to enable Officers to prepare a supplementary report to a future meeting of the Committee.
Update report was published.
Paul Buckenham introduced the application for the proposed development to provide an office-led, mixed use development, including retail units, restaurants and a basement gym, with associated works. It was also reported that the update report included additional representations (in objections and support) and a corrected list of documents as well as clarifications. It also proposed two additional conditions to further safeguard residential amenity.
Patrick Harmsworth presented the report, providing an overview of the site and the key features of the application. The following issues were noted:
· An overview of the consultation process. There had been two rounds of public consultation. Many objections had been received from residents, businesses and local amenity groups both from within Tower Hamlets and outside London. These related to a range of issues. A number of letters of support had also been received. A summary of the key issues raised was noted.
· In land use terms, the proposal was consistent with the development plan policies for the site location. Given the land uses and benefits proposed, officers considered overall that the proposal would have a positive impact on the Brick Lane District Centre, in view of the provision of flexibly-designed employment floor space, retail and restaurant space, as well as the provision of affordable workspace and independent retail units as planning obligations
· In design terms, the scheme had been designed to provide an appropriate response to the site context. Details of the design features to ensure this were noted including the setting back of upper floors; setting back of the building line along Woodseer Street; the warehouse-aesthetic of the new building taking cues from nearby brewery buildings; and various changes made to the scheme to reduce mass in response to feedback and comments received
· The development would provide new public realm in and around the site; as well as new local connections through the site to enhance the permeability of the wider area. A s106 obligation safeguarding wider connectivity improvements would be secured, including to the site to the north in the event this site comes forward for development in the future. In addition, as noted above, it was proposed that the pavement along the north side of Woodseer Street would be widened and improved with new materials, street trees and lampposts. . A new public square would also be provided in the eastern part of the site
· In heritage terms, officers considered that the proposal will protect and enhance the character and appearance of the Brick Lane and Fournier Street Conservation Area; and would preserve the setting of the nearby listed buildings, given the poor condition of the existing site and quality of the proposals. The development would only be visible to a minor extent from nearby listed buildings.
· The amenity assessment including details of the sunlight and daylight impacts on neighbouring properties. Whilst some nearby properties would experience a moderately adverse impact to daylight, such impacts were comparable with existing urban conditions and unavoidable, taking into account that that ... view the full minutes text for item 5