Issue - meetings
Meeting: 26/04/2021 - Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 6)
The Committee will receive an update on Covid-19 from Dr Somen Banerjee – Director of Public Health.
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The Committee received an update from Covid-19 from Somen Banerjee – Director of Public Health, the main points of the questioning maybe summarised as follows:
The Committee:
v Observed that Tower Hamlets GP Care Group has worked hard to ensure that any unused supplies of vaccine are use appropriately especially with the Pfizer vaccine where there is an issue about shelf-life once unfrozen, to maximise the people who are vaccinated. Accordingly the GP Care Group have a process whereby they have a set of contacts that they have identified (e.g. those in the highest need groups) are able to access unused vaccines. Therefore, people should not show up to a vaccination centre without an appointment as they would not be seen.
v Were advised that people have expressed uncertainty about getting a jab, or who were unwilling or unable was because they did not trust the vaccines; they did not feel the vaccines were necessary for them and the ease of access to vaccination centres. Therefore the GP Care Group and the Council are reaching out to non-responders, ramping up promoting of the vaccine programme and establishing walk in centres.
v Heard that whilst reactions to the AstraZeneca vaccine have been very rare and this includes when blood clots and low levels of platelets occur between four and 28 days after the jab. Therefore, some residents are now expressing reluctance to have their next jab although overwhelming message is this is a safe and effective vaccine whereas the risk of getting severely ill from the coronavirus, or of being hospitalised in intensive care, is much higher.
v Was informed that LBTH have set up a network of Covid Champions who will help residents to stay up to date with the latest advice about Covid-19. Covid Champions provide a trusted source of information and will help to dispel myths and avoid confusion. They help their family, friends, and the wider community to make sense of the latest advice and information, to make sure we all stay safe and alert to the risks of the virus. The Champion are sent regular updates on Covid-19 and they aim to get the right information to local residents, to keep themselves, their family, and community safe.
v Was advised that regarding the Indian variant it is one of four mutated versions of coronavirus which have been designated as being "of concern" by UK public health bodies, with others first being identified in Kent, South Africa, and Brazil. The Indian variant has mutated to become less recognisable to neutralising human antibodies and therefore allows it to get past the first line of immunological defence in people who have been vaccinated or previously infected, enabling the virus to carry on circulating.
v Wanted to receive localised data regarding household infection rates, positive cases by age group and ward and hospital admission rates in the Borough by age group.
v The Committee indicated that it would wish to be updated on the knowledge surrounding the role of children ... view the full minutes text for item 6