Issue - meetings
Approval of extension to existing Servelec contract and SaaS hosting arrangement
Meeting: 27/01/2021 - Cabinet (Item 6)
6 Approval of extension to existing Servelec contract and SaaS hosting arrangement PDF 439 KB
Additional documents:
2. To authorise the Corporate Director, Resources to approve the execution of all necessary agreements to give effect to recommendation 1.
Action by:
(Divisional Director, IT (A. Gorst)
(Divisional Director, Adult Social Care (C. Brown)
(Divisional Director, Children’s Social Care (R. Baldwin)
(Mosaic Delivery Manager (A. Cross)
Councillor Candida Ronald, Cabinet Member for Resources and the Voluntary Sector introduced the report. She explained that it related to the Mosaic software used in social care services. The proposal was to extend two contracts relating to this for a two-year period.
The Mayor welcomed the report and noted the intention to continue to use digital tools to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of council services. He moved the recommendations as set out and they were agreed without dissent. It was:
2. To authorise the Corporate Director, Resources to approve the execution of all necessary agreements to give effect to recommendation 1.