Issue - meetings
Revised approach to day support in adult social care
Meeting: 28/10/2020 - Cabinet (Item 6)
6 Revised approach to day support in adult social care PDF 586 KB
Additional documents:
- 6.3a Appendix. 3 for Revised approach to day support in adult social care, item 6 PDF 627 KB
- 6.3b Appendix. 4 for Revised approach to day support in adult social care, item 6 PDF 614 KB
- Webcast for Revised approach to day support in adult social care
Pre-Decision Scrutiny Questions and officer responses were noted.
1. To note the proposed programme of consultation and engagement on day support services, to commence on 1st November 2020,
2. To note the proposed future model for day support services in adult social care, subject to refinement pending the outcome of the consultation. Any future key decisions on this issue will be returned to Cabinet in early 2021.
Action by:
(Head of Strategy and Policy – Health, Adults and Communities (J. Starkie)
Councillor Rachel Blake, Deputy Mayor and Cabinet Member for Adults, Health and Wellbeing, introduced the report on proposals to consult on a redesign of day support in adult social care by bringing services together in a community hub. She recognised that change was difficult for service users but that this engagement would help discuss options for the future with service users and their families. She took Cabinet through the proposals in the report and set out the plans for the consultation. She acknowledged the value service users placed on these services and she thanked all the staff who had worked so hard during the pandemic to continue to provide services.
The Cabinet then moved to discuss the report. They heard from a number of contributions from Members and residents.
Issues highlighted included:
· Concerns service users would have about changes to their services and how the consultation was intended to help design services with service users.
· Ensuing the equality impact assessment was fully considered and risks identified.
· It was highlighted that services would still be provided but that the consultation was about how services were provided and what the services looked like.
· The petitions and other submissions expressing concerns about changing the provision of services.
· The potential impact on providers.
· The financial challenges for the Council and the need to find better ways of providing services.
The Mayor concluded the discussion by thanking everyone for their contributions. He highlighted that the consultation was starting soon and he encouraged everyone to participate. He reminded everyone that the proposal was to retain services in a new setting. The Pre-Decision Scrutiny Questions and officer responses were noted. He then put the recommendations to the Cabinet and it was agreed with no dissent that:
1. To note the proposed programme of consultation and engagement on day support services, to commence on 1st November 2020,
2. To note the proposed future model for day support services in adult social care, subject to refinement pending the outcome of the consultation. Any future key decisions on this issue will be returned to Cabinet in early 2021.