Issue - meetings
Community Charging Consultation – Outcome Report
Meeting: 28/10/2020 - Cabinet (Item 6)
6 Community Charging Consultation – Outcome Report PDF 706 KB
Additional documents:
- 6.4a - Appendix 1 - Equalities Impact Assessment, item 6
PDF 244 KB
- 6.4b - Appendix 2 - Charging Consultation Background, item 6
PDF 227 KB
- 6.4c - Appendix 3 - Consultation Questionnaire, item 6
- 6.4d - Appendix 4 - Adult Social Care Charging Leaflet, item 6
PDF 851 KB
- Webcast for Community Charging Consultation – Outcome Report
Pre-Decision Scrutiny Questions and officer responses were noted.
1. To agree Option 2 from the adult social care community charging consultation for implementation: Reducing the Standard Utilities Allowance from £15 per week to £5 per week, raising the maximum possible contribution from £250 per week to £1000 per week and providing respite and carer relief free of charge following a Carer Assessment.
2. To agree to implement the agreed option from December 2020. Note that this is three months’ later than the date originally agreed in the Medium-Term Financial Strategy savings proposal, which is due to the consultation being paused then relaunched as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic
Action by:
(Divisional Director, Adults Social Care (C. Brown)
Councillor Rachel Blake, Deputy Mayor and Cabinet Member for Adults, Health and Wellbeing, introduced the report presenting the outcomes of the consultation into proposed changes to adult social care community charging fees. The consultation had taken place over the last six months including a pause during the early stages of the Covid-19 pandemic. She took Members through the proposed changes to the current arrangements. The proposals had been considered carefully and it was felt that Option 2 best spread out the impact of the costs. She also highlighted the responses provided to the Pre-Decision Scrutiny Questions.
During discussion a positive change to introduce free respite to all carers was welcomed. The Mayor indicated that he supported the proposed Option 2 recommendation.
The Mayor then proposed the recommendations to Cabinet. They were agreed without dissent and it was:
1. To agree Option 2 from the adult social care community charging consultation for implementation: Reducing the Standard Utilities Allowance from £15 per week to £5 per week, raising the maximum possible contribution from £250 per week to £1000 per week and providing respite and carer relief free of charge following a Carer Assessment.
2. To agree to implement the agreed option from December 2020. Note that this is three months’ later than the date originally agreed in the Medium-Term Financial Strategy savings proposal, which is due to the consultation being paused then relaunched as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic