Issue - meetings
Report on the outcome of the preliminary stakeholder consultation (pre-statutory) on the proposal to close St Matthias Primary School.
Meeting: 25/11/2020 - Cabinet (Item 6)
Additional documents:
- 6.3a Appendix One - St Matthias Consultation Feedback Report and FAQ, item 6 PDF 366 KB
- 6.3b Appendix Two - EqIA St Matthias, item 6 PDF 883 KB
- 6.3c Appendix Three - St Matthias Consultation Document, item 6 PDF 451 KB
- 6.3d Appendix Four - School Organisational Change Procedure, item 6 PDF 209 KB
- 6.3e Appendix Five - Statutory Notice on Proposal to Close St Matthias Primary School, item 6 PDF 316 KB
- Webcast for Report on the outcome of the preliminary stakeholder consultation (pre-statutory) on the proposal to close St Matthias Primary School.
The Pre-Decision Scrutiny Questions and officer responses were noted.
1. To agree to move to the publication of a statutory notice for 28 days, in respect of the proposal to close St Matthias CofE Primary School. This will take effect from 31st August 2021, with the displaced pupils admitted to other nearby schools, including a nearby Church of England Primary School.
2. To note the Equalities Assessment set out in Section 4 of the report and attached as Appendix 2 to the report.
Action by:
(Service Head for Pupil Access and School Sufficiency (T. Bryan)
(School Organisation Manager (I. Mkparu)
Councillor Danny Hassell, Cabinet Member for Children and Schools, introduced the report on the outcome of preliminary stakeholder consultation on the closure of St Mathias Primary School. He reported that this was a small school suffering from a falling roll and there was a surplus of places in that part of the borough. It was expected that all pupils could be accommodated in other suitable local schools.
It was therefore proposed that the Council proceed to the statutory consultation stage of the process.
The Pre-Decision Scrutiny Questions and officer responses were noted and the Mayor proposed the recommendations as set out. These were agreed without dissent and it was:
1. To agree to move to the publication of a statutory notice for 28 days, in respect of the proposal to close St Matthias CofE Primary School. This will take effect from 31st August 2021, with the displaced pupils admitted to other nearby schools, including a nearby Church of England Primary School.
2. To note the Equalities Assessment set out in Section 4 of the report and attached as Appendix 2 to the report.