Issue - meetings
Impact of Covid 19 Update
Meeting: 24/09/2020 - Tower Hamlets Health and Wellbeing Board (Item 3)
Tower Hamlets Response to Covid-19
The presentation will be shared at the meeting via Teams
Additional documents:
Somen Banerjee, Director of Public Health provide an update on current situation and challenges to date related to outbreak control. A summary of the discussions on the presentation is set out below:
The Board
- Noted that despite a fall over the summer, the number of cases of Covid-19 have risen and it is accepted that the situation is once again worsening. Tower Hamlets now has one of the highest levels of Covid-19 in London. Therefore, as a second rise in infections hits the Borough, all steps necessary must be taken to limit the spread of the virus and protect those most at risk.
- Noted that whilst confirmed cases are going down the GPs are seeing people coming into their practices with suspected cases continues to rise and the other thing that continues to rise is the calls to NHS 111 online coronavirus service which gives an indication that of an increase. Although there is not a great deal of change in terms of hospital admissions and therefore not having an impacting on bed occupancy and those indicators
- Noted that Tower Hamlets has been in the top third in London in terms of incidents rates
- Noted that Public Health England provide data where there is a high risk of an outbreaks such as care homes; schools workplaces; hospitals and faith.
- Noted that whilst in Tower Hamlets there have been no significant outbreaks to date, there is evidence to show an increasing number of these situations in these settings.
- Noted that in Tower Hamlets the testing rates are low relative to the rest of London. Therefore, it is a priority for the Borough and last week a local testing site was opened in Watney Market which is an appointment only and whilst it has only been only been open a few days 500 people have been tested.
- Noted that the National Programme of Test and Trace has been progressing and they are (i) seeing 80 percent of cases who have been identified as positive; (ii) 20 percent of people that they cannot contact.
- Noted in response to this Tower Hamlets is very close to implementing a local Test and Trace programme in which we get passed on the names of the 20 percent of cases that the national system was unable to identify and we have people locally who will contact those people and then pass the contacts back to the national system.
- Noted that we need to strengthen the Test and Trace System that residents have access to.
- Noted regarding those cases known to Tower Hamlets they are being track on a day-to-day basis.
- Noted the Borough gets very good data from the National Biosecurity Centre and good local data.
- Noted when the Second Wave started it was mainly in the younger age group but as it has progressed there have been more cases in older and more vulnerable groups. It was initially in the more affluent groups but now it is very clearly higher in the most deprived groups. It ... view the full minutes text for item 3