Issue - meetings
Constitution Review - Directorate Schemes of Delegation Review Update
Meeting: 10/12/2019 - General Purposes Committee (Item 4)
4 Constitution Review - Directorate Schemes of Delegation Review Update PDF 241 KB
Matthew Mannion, Head of Democratic Services, introduced the update report on the Council’s Constitution Review. He reminded Members that Council had agreed the updated Constitution at its meeting on 17 July 2019. The one large piece of outstanding work was to complete the review of the Directorate Schemes of Delegation.
The Committee hear that some progress had been made but that it had been relatively slow at least in part due to the complexity of the task given the Schemes were last reviewed around ten years ago and so both the structure of the Council and the regulatory framework had both altered significantly.
The Governance Directorate Scheme of Delegation had been published in July and the Committee were pleased to note that the Resources Scheme was also now ready for publication.
Members expressed disappointment that the work was taking so long as the Schemes of Delegation were such an important part of the Council’s decision making arrangements. It was requested that a further report be presented to the next meeting of the Committee by which time it was expected that the work would be complete. The Chair asked that the Corporate Directors and other relevant officers be made aware of the Committee’s concerns over the lack of progress and their request that the project be completed in time for the next meeting.
1. That the report be noted.