Decision details
Academy Conversions - Mulberry School for Girls and Ian Mikardo High School
Decision Maker: Cabinet, Commissioners' Individual Decision Making
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
To approve putting into effect and concluding the documentation associated with these conversions, including Commercial Transfer Agreements and leases.
An updated report was tabled.
1. To note that the land disposal for both schools is subject to the Commissioners’ consent;
2. To approve that the appropriate lease arrangements should be entered into for both schools;
3. To approve the Council to enter into commercial and staffing transfers for both schools;
4. To approve the Council to enter into all other necessary documentation to ensure the liabilities under the PFI arrangements for Mulberry School for Girls are transferred to the Academy;
5. To authorise the Corporate Director Children’s Services, in conjunction with both the Corporate Director Law, Probity and Governance and the Corporate Director Resources to enter into and undertake any remaining issues associated with the conversion of the two schools;
6. To authorise the Corporate Director Law, Probity and Governance to execute all documentation required to implement those decisions at 2 to 5;
7. To authorise the Section 151 Officer to execute the Local Government(Contract) Act 1997 Certificate required to implement the decisions at 2 to 5.
Report author: Kate Bingham
Publication date: 06/10/2016
Date of decision: 04/10/2016
Decided at meeting: 04/10/2016 - Cabinet
Effective from: 14/10/2016
Accompanying Documents: