Decision details
Welfare Reform and Discretionary Support
Decision Maker: Cabinet - Expired
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
Note the likely impact of welfare reform and the limited funds available to provide support;
Agree that proposals for the deployment of the temporary accommodation support fund following CMT comments and approval and are to be taken forward to Cabinet;
1. To note the likely impact of welfare reform and the limited funds available to provide support meaning we need to think carefully about how to support those most in need;
2. To agree the option at paragraph 7.9.2 to provide funding of £2.2 million to the Mayor’s Temporary Accommodation Support Fund.
3. Subject to the decision relating to recommendation 2.2 above, transfer £950,000 from the earmarked reserve for Homelessness to the Housing Options Budget for 2013/14 to support the Mayor’s Temporary Accommodation Support Fund.
4. To consider any additional or new considerations which should form the basis of determining eligibility for the Support Fund;
5. To review the revised Discretionary Housing Payments policy;
Action by:
(Service Head, Corporate Strategy and Equality (L. Russell)
(Service Head, Housing Options (C. Cormack)
(Service Head, Customer Access and ICT (C. Symonds)
Report author: Colin Cormack
Publication date: 02/08/2013
Date of decision: 31/07/2013
Decided at meeting: 31/07/2013 - Cabinet - Expired
Effective from: 10/08/2013
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