Decision details
Capital programme 2020-21 to 2022-23
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
The purpose of this report is to set out the
capital strategy and proposed capital programme for the next three
years for approval. Capital expenditure is focussed on the
council’s strategic priorities.
The original recommendations were amended and then agreed.
The Pre-Decision Scrutiny Questions and officer responses were noted.
1. To approve the 3-year General Fund and Housing Revenue Account Capital Programme 2020-23 as set out in Appendix 1a and Appendix 1f to the report.
2. To approve the budget allocation for schemes in the programme, including the Local Infrastructure Fund Programme 2, subject to sign off through the capital governance process and agreement to proceed given by the Corporate Director of Place and Corporate Director of Resources and that schemes funded by future capital receipts, s106 and/or CIL will not go ahead until such funds have been securely received
3. To approve the new additions to the Annual Rolling Programme, subject to Recommendation 2, as set out in Appendix 1c to the report.
4. To approve the Invest to Save programme, subject to business cases being approved by the Corporate Director of Place and Corporate Director of Resources and Recommendation 2, as set in Appendix 1d to the report.
5. To approve the use of 5% of CIL or £1.500m whichever is the lower for use on feasibility studies and associated surveys for infrastructure projects as set out in paragraph 7.5.7 of the report.
6. To approve the funding principle that Education schemes should not be funded by council borrowing or by non-Education capital receipts, unless Members have taken into consideration the impact on other priority schemes and the extent to which DfE funding will meet basic needs requirements alongside any relevant S106 or CIL receipts.
7. To approve delegated authority to the Corporate Director of Place and Corporate Director of Resources for all activities required to deliver e.g. go out to tender, appoint consultants and contractors, acquire land interests, appropriate land from the General Fund to the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) for the delivery of new council homes, subject to approved budget
8. To approve the following specific recommendations:
i. The transfer of funding for Angela Court from the General Fund to the Housing Revenue Account as set out in paragraph 11.3.13 of the report;
ii. The expansion of Beatrice Tate School to provide an additional 45 spaces for pupils with special needs; Approve the expansion of alternative provision at Harpley School to provide additional spaces for KS4 and post-16 pupils as set out in paragraphs 10.5.4 and 10.5.7 of the report respectively;
iii. Realign the previously approved budgets streams in relation to buyback programme, as set out in paragraph 11.3.26 of the report;
iv. Disposal of assets, as set out in paragraph 7.6.2 of the report;
9. To note the consideration of the financing options and proposals for the uncommitted and new schemes, as set out in Appendix 1e to the report, will be brought forward in January 2021
10.To note the development of the medium term and long-term Prioritisation and Financing Delivery Plan for Infrastructure (PFDP) identifying priorities beyond 2023 to 2030
11.To note Capital Governance changes contained in section 14 designed to support further improved monitoring and management of the capital programme.
Report author: Jane Abraham
Publication date: 25/09/2020
Date of decision: 23/09/2020
Decided at meeting: 23/09/2020 - Cabinet
Effective from: 03/10/2020
Accompanying Documents:
- 6.4 2020-23 Capital Programme
- 6.4a Appendix 1a Draft Capital programme GF summary
- 6.4b Appendix 1b Draft Capital programme GF committed schemes
PDF 118 KB
- 6.4d Appendix 1c Draft Capital programme GF annual rolling programme
- 6.4e Appendix 1d Draft Capital programme GF invest to save
- 6.4f Appendix 1e Draft Capital programme GF new and uncommitted schemes
- 6.4g Appendix 1f Draft Capital programme HRA summary
- 6.4h Appendix 2a Liveable Streets Programme - revised timetable
- 6.4i Appendix 2b Liveable Streets Programme funding requirement for 3 yrs
PDF 117 KB
- 6.4j Appendix 2c Comparison of carriageway condition
PDF 346 KB
- 6.4k Appendix 2d Carriageway and Footway Asset report
PDF 525 KB
- 6.4l Appendix 2e LIF Programme 2 allocations
PDF 239 KB