Decision details
Area Profiles and choice of Pilot Town Centre
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
This report seeks agreement to producing area profiles for each District Centre in the Borough that will improve the understanding of the current performance of our Town Centres. It also seeks approval of the District Centres to be included in a pilot programme of activity that will test out ‘what works’ and meets the Council’s aspirations of creating successful and vibrant Town Centres.
1. To note the contents of the draft Area Profiles and key findings (see Appendix 1 to the report) and that the performance matrix for all town centres is made available for consideration when available.
2. To delegate authority to the Corporate Director Development and Renewal to oversee the completion of these Area Profiles, including the development of the performance matrix and the delivery of digital maps for all Town centres as part of the #Shoptowerhamlets retail promotion project being delivered in November/December 2016.
3. To agree to the establishment of local partnerships in identified town centres: – building on the Business Forum in Bethnal Green, the regeneration activity in Whitechapel and developing new partnerships in Roman Road West and Watney Market. These partnerships will take ownership of developing the vision and offer in town centres and of monitoring performance in achieving this vision and the objectives.
4. To agree that the pilot proposals identified in paragraph 4.2 of the report in respect of revenue funding and 4.3 in respect of capital funding are agreed in principle for the identified town centres.
5. To request officers to identify and align complementary projects such as improving Wi-Fi access in town centres, developing cultural trails and potential match funding to maximise the impact of the pilot programme.
6. To agree that specific elements of revenue and capital work identified commence – including any procurement activity and/or commissioning activity required, working in partnership with other Council departments and external stakeholders.
Action by:
(Business and Town Centre Manager (M. Aust)
Report author: Melanie Aust
Publication date: 08/12/2016
Date of decision: 06/12/2016
Decided at meeting: 06/12/2016 - Cabinet
Effective from: 16/12/2016
Accompanying Documents: