Decision details
Review of the Licensing Act Cumulative Impact Assessments
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: No
A review of the consultation on the cumulative
impact assessment for licensed premises within Brick Lane and
Bethnal Green.
1. Retain the Brick Lane CIA (Cumulative Impact Assessments), and expand it to its southeastern edge.
2. Remove the Bethnal Green CIA (Cumulative Impact Assessments).
3. Agree the CIA Policy Statement, which has been reviewed in light of the consultation. The Policy Statement can be found in Appendix One to the report.
4. Note paragraph 9.11 of the Policy, which states if there are no representations, the Council must grant the application in terms that are consistent with the operating schedule submitted, in line with the Council’s delegated authority.”
5. Note that the proposed Cumulative Impact Assessment, as part of the Statement of Licensing Policy will take effect from 20th November 2024 until 20th November 2027. The existing Cumulative Impact Policy, which is contained in Appendix 5 of the Statement of Licensing Policy will be rescinded on the 18th November 2024.
Action by
Service Manager, Regulatory Services (T. Lewis)
Report author: Tom Lewis
Publication date: 22/10/2024
Date of decision: 16/10/2024
Decided at meeting: 16/10/2024 - Cabinet
Accompanying Documents:
- 9.1a Review of the Licensing Act Cumulative Impact Assessments PDF 486 KB
- 9.1b AppendixOne.CIA.Rev.PolicyStatement.v2 PDF 406 KB
- 9.1c AppendixTwo.CIA.Rev.Let’sTalkWebPage+Qs PDF 1 MB
- 9.1d AppendixThree.CIA.Rev.List.Consultees PDF 188 KB
- 9.1e AppendixFourCIA.Rev.SummaryConsult.Report PDF 145 KB
- 9.1f AppendixFiveCIA.Rev.Survey.Resp.Report PDF 277 KB
- 9.1g Appendix.SixCIA.OnlineAdd.Resp.SumTable PDF 270 KB
- 9.1h Appendix.SevenCIA.Written.Responses+SumTable.Draft PDF 312 KB
- 9.1i AppendixEightCIA.Rev.ConsultReport PDF 2 MB
- 9.1j Appendix.NineCIA.equalityimpactanalysisscreening.24 PDF 665 KB