Decision details
Adoption of the Queen Mary University London SPD
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
The QMUL Mile End Campus Supplementary
Planning Document (SPD) is a masterplan document which provides
guidance to inform the future growth and development of the Queen
Mary University London (QMUL) Mile End Campus.
It is the aim of the SPD to ensure that future development on this
campus is considered in the context of a site-wide masterplan in
order to enhance the quality of the estate while strengthening the
public realm; providing appropriate building mass and height;
improving pedestrian and cycle connectivity; enhancing the setting
of heritage assets; integrating the campus more successfully with
its surroundings; and creating a more welcoming campus environment.
The SPD also considers how the growth of the campus can maximise
community benefits, biodiversity opportunities and environmental
Taking into account the above, the SPD includes a series of
site-specific development principles for five key development
areas. Each development area is supported by illustrative massing
sketches, or ‘case studies’ to give an indication of
how development might look.
The SPD supports the vision, objective and policies of the Tower
Hamlets Local Plan 2031. This includes the vision for the Local
Plan’s ‘Central Area’, and the objective to
‘support the expansion of Queen Mary University of London and
associated uses, while ensuring good integration with surrounding
The document will provide material weight in planning decisions;
and will therefore help the council to evaluate individual planning
applications on the campus to assess whether they are in line with
the coherent growth strategy set out within the SPD. The SPD will
therefore provide more certainty within the development management
process as individual sites come forward.
In total, the SPD masterplan creates the total addition of c.
60,000 sqm of non-residential floorspace and the net reduction of
c. 175 student bedrooms.
The QMUL Mile End Campus SPD has been through an extensive
preparation process. This includes evidence-base gathering and
early masterplanning carried out during July-September 2020, such
as mapping; site visits; initial consultation with stakeholders;
public realm analysis; and transport evidence.
Preparation of a draft document was carried out between September
2020 and February 2021. Public consultation was then carried out
during February-March 2021. A wide range of community groups,
residents, landowners, university staff and other stakeholders
engaged with the SPD and made formal responses as part of the
consultation process.
It is now necessary to adopt the QMUL Mile End Campus SPD to
further enable clear and robust guidance to inform and be
implemented in development proposals a comprehensive campus-wide
masterplan and vision, which will ensure that existing character is
respected and enhanced; and the new developments are of the highest
quality in accordance with corporate and Council objectives and the
Development Plan (Local Plan and London Plan).
1. To approve the QMUL Mile End Campus SPD (appendix 1 to the report) for adoption and authorise officers to prepare an adoption statement and publish the Regulation 18(4)(b) Statement and adoption statement so it can be considered a material planning consideration in the assessment of planning applications for planning decisions in the SPD study area.
2. To authorise the Corporate Director of Place to make any necessary factual or minor editing changes prior to publishing the final SPD.
3. To note the representation schedule summarising representations received during the consultation and the responses to these representations as set out in appendix 2 to the report.
4. To note the Strategic Environmental Assessment Screening as set out in Appendix 3 to the report.
5. To note the Equalities Impact Assessment as set out in appendix 4 to the report.
Action by:
(Local Plan Place Growth and Modelling Officer (P. Harmsworth)
Report author: Nicole Layton
Publication date: 30/07/2021
Date of decision: 28/07/2021
Decided at meeting: 28/07/2021 - Cabinet
Effective from: 07/08/2021
Accompanying Documents: