Decision details
LBTH/THH Mayoral Office Police and Crime (MOPAC)
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
Combating Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) is a high Mayoral priority
and is a priority for Tower Hamlets Homes (THH). In 2017/18 the
Council invested £2.458 million in a range of ASB initiatives
of which £1.4 million was invested in the 3-year funding of a
Police team specifically tasked with providing additionality to existing commitments on LBTH
estates. This investment was secured via a Section 92 Agreement
with MOPAC for a match funded police team made up of 2 sergeants
and 12 constables under Metpatrol
The current funding under Metpatrol
Plus expires in September 2020. Given the level of re-assurance the
police team has brought to communities, Cabinet authority is being
sought to enter into a further 3-year agreement with MOPAC under
the “Partnership Plus Agreement”.
The report also seeks Cabinet approval for the cost of additional
services provided by the Police team and Parkguard to be passed on both to Leaseholders and
At the meeting the Mayor amended and then agreed the recommendations
1. To authorise the Corporate Director, Place to agree a 3-year Partnership Plus Agreement with MOPAC in line with the contents of this report.
2. To agree that residents be consulted on the proposal that they be charged for the additional police and security services provided by the Police team under the Partnership Plus Scheme and by Parkguard as set out in this report.
3. To agree that following the consultation exercise, and then further consultation with the Mayor, residents will be charged for the additional police and security services provided by the Police team under the Partnership Plus Scheme and by Parkguard in line with this report.
Action by:
(Divisional Director, Housing and Housing Regeneration (K. Swift)
Report author: Lindsey Gibson
Publication date: 05/06/2020
Date of decision: 03/06/2020
Decided at meeting: 03/06/2020 - Cabinet
Accompanying Documents: