Issue - decisions
Housing Revenue Account Budget Report 2015/16
06/02/2015 - Housing Revenue Account Budget Report 2015/16
1. To approve the draft 2015/16 Housing Revenue Account budget as set out in Appendix 1.
2. To approve the draft 2015/16 Management Fee payable to Tower Hamlets Homes (THH) of £35.116 million as set out in Table 3 in section 7.
3. Subject to 2 above, to note that under the Management Agreement between the Council and THH, THH will manage delegated income budgets of £89.818 million and delegated expenditure budgets of £24.345 million on behalf of the Council in 2015/16.
4. To note the HRA Medium Term Financial Plan (2015-18) outlined in Appendix 2.
5. To adopt a capital estimate of £1 million to fund Overcrowding Reduction Initiatives as outlined in paragraph 10.3.
6. To adopt capital estimates for the Aids and Adaptations programme (£750,000), the Capitalisation of Voids (£1.5 million) and the Capitalisation of Fees and Salaries (£650,000) as outlined in paragraph 10.4.
7. To adopt a capital estimate of £250,000 in order to maintain a contingency for urgent works of £1 million, as outlined in paragraph 10.5.
8. To adopt an increased capital estimate for Ashington East new build scheme of £2.450 million, as detailed in 10.7 and 10.8.
9. To adopt a capital estimate of £813,000 for the award of Disabled Facilities Grants, as outlined in paragraph 11.1.
10. To adopt a capital estimate of £550,000 in respect of Private Sector Improvement Grants, including Empty Property Grants, for 2015/16, to be financed from ring-fenced resources received from the East London Renewal Partnership (paragraph 11.2).
11. To adopt capital estimates for the various S106 schemes outlined in section 12.
12. To note that £33 million of resources have been included within the capital programme (Appendix 4) to reflect the necessity to deliver new housing supply in order to spend the currently unallocated 1-4-1 receipts of £14.5 million, as detailed in para 6.17.
Action by:
(Service Head, Strategy, Regeneration and Sustainability (J. Odunoye)
(Finance Business Partner (P. Leeson)
(Senior Accountant (K. Ball)