Agenda item
Royal Mint Court, London, EC3N 4QN (PA/16/00479, PA/16/00480)
PA/16/00479:- Full Planning
Full planning permission for comprehensive redevelopment of the site to
provide an employment-led mixed use development of up to 81,000sqm of B1, A1, A3 and D2 floor space, involving the refurbishment and restoration of the Johnson Smirke Building (Grade II* listed), remodelling and refurbishment of the façade of the Registry (Grade II listed), with alterations and extensions to the remainder of the building, the retention, part demolition, alterations and extensions to Murray and Dexter House, the erection of a standalone four storey building with the south west corner of the site, alterations to existing boundary wall to create new access points to the site and associated public realm and landscaping and all ancillary and associated works.
PA/16/00480:- Listed Building Consent
Listed Building consent for the refurbishment and restoration of the Johnson Smirke Building (Grade II*), remodelling and refurbishment of the Grade II façade of the Registry, with alterations and extension to the remainder of the building and alterations to existing boundary wall to create new access points to the site and all ancillary and associated
That the Committee resolve to grant planning permission and listed building consent subject to any direction by the London Mayor, the prior completion of a legal agreement, conditions and informatives
Update report tabled.
Paul Buckenham (Development Control Manager, Development and Renewal) introduced the application for planning and listed building consent for the comprehensive redevelopment of the site to provide an employment led mixed use development.
Gareth Gwynne, (Planning Services, Development and Renewal) gave a detailed presentation on the proposal and the site including the location of the heritage assets. He explained the plans for the Johnson Smirke Building (Grade 11* listed), the proposed remodelling and refurbishment of the façade of the Registry (Grade 11 listed), the proposed changes to Murray and Dexter House, the proposed erection of a standalone four storey building and the proposed creation of new access points to the site and new public realm and landscaping. Objections had been received by historic groups but the plans had since been amended to address these issues involving amongst other things reducing the height of the proposed development to preserve views.
The land use complied with policy. Given the merits of the proposal officers were recommending that it was granted planning permission.
The Committee sought clarity about the location and the plans for the nearby subway. Officers advised that it did not form part of the development but would provide a route into the site. The applicant had expressed a wish to engage with TfL to discuss ways of improving the access route.
The Committee also discussed the heritage aspects of the proposal. They welcomed the changes to reduce the impact on the heritage assets and asked if there were any measures to promote such assets and the history of the site. It was questioned whether some of the CIL contributions could go towards providing signage in the immediate vicinity. They also drew attention to the comments of the Twentieth Century Society about the value of the Murray and Dexter House.
Officers replied that since receiving the application, they had worked hard to ensure that the site’s archaeology was better displayed to the public. Accordingly there would be a planning obligation to secure the conservation, management and display of the site’s archaeology including the provision of an event space. The obligation would include a requirement to provide heritage signage. Officers were mindful of the comments of the Twentieth Century society about the historic value of the Murray and Dexter House. However, given the condition of the building and the benefits of the scheme (in terms of the generation of jobs etc.) Officers did not consider these factors merited the retention of the whole building and the scheme being refused.
On a vote of 6 in favour, 0 against and 1 abstention, the Committee RESOLVED
1. That the planning permission and listed building consent at Royal Mint Court, London, EC3N 4QN (PA/16/00479, PA/16/00480) be GRANTED for
PA/16/00479:- Full Planning
Full planning permission for comprehensive redevelopment of the site to provide an employment-led mixed use development of up to 81,000sqm of B1, A1, A3 and D2 floor space, involving the refurbishment and restoration of the Johnson Smirke Building (Grade II* listed), remodelling and refurbishment of the façade of the Registry (Grade II listed), with alterations and extensions to the remainder of the building, the retention, part demolition, alterations and extensions to Murray and Dexter House, the erection of a standalone four storey building with the south west corner of the site, alterations to existing boundary wall to create new access points to the site and associated public realm and landscaping and all ancillary and associated works.
PA/16/00480:- Listed Building Consent
Listed Building consent for the refurbishment and restoration of the Johnson Smirke Building (Grade II*), remodelling and refurbishment of the Grade II façade of the Registry, with alterations and extension to the remainder of the building and alterations to existing boundary wall to create new access points to the site and all ancillary and associated works.
Subject to
2. Any direction by The London Mayor
3. The prior completion of a legal agreement to secure the planning obligations set out in the Committee report:
4. That the Corporate Director Development & Renewal is delegated power to negotiate the legal agreement indicated above. If by the date nominated in the Planning Performance Agreement the legal agreement has not been completed, the Corporate Director development & Renewal is delegated power to refuse planning permission.
5. That the Corporate Director Development & Renewal is delegated power to impose conditions and informatives on the planning permission to secure the matters set out in the Committee report
6. Any additional conditions as directed by the Corporate Director Development and Renewal
Supporting documents: