Agenda, decisions and minutes
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Contact: Simmi Yesmin, Senior Democratic Services Officer Tel: 020 7364 4120, E-mail:
No. | Item |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST PDF 214 KB Members are reminded to consider the categories of interest, identified in the Code of Conduct for Members to determine: whether they have an interest in any agenda item and any action they should take. For further details, see the attached note from the Monitoring Officer.
Members are also reminded to declare the nature of the interest at the earliest opportunity and the agenda item it relates to. Please note that ultimately it is the Members’ responsibility to identify any interests and also update their register of interest form as required by the Code.
If in doubt as to the nature of an interest, you are advised to seek advice prior the meeting by contacting the Monitoring Officer or Democratic Services. Additional documents: Minutes: There were no declarations of interests made.
To note the rules of procedure which are attached for information. Additional documents: Minutes: The rules of procedure were noted.
MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING(S) PDF 232 KB To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the Licensing Sub-Committees held on 28th July, 1st, 15th & 29th September and 13th October 2020.
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Minutes: The minutes of the Licensing Sub Committees held on 28th July, 1st, 15th and 29th September and 13th October were agreed and approved as a correct record.
ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION Additional documents: |
Application to Review the Premises Licence for Manjal, 3 Turnberry Quay, London E14 9RD PDF 242 KB Additional documents: Minutes: This item was withdrawn by the Applicant prior to the meeting.
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Minutes: At the request of the Chair, Ms Lavine Miller-Johnson, Licensing Officer, introduced the report which detailed the application for a new premises licence for Mason and Painter, 67 Columbia Road, London E2 7RG. It was noted that both support and objections had been received by local residents.
Mr Anson Read, on behalf of the Applicant, explained that the Premises would be selling wine from Borough Wines, a well-known wine company offering a selection of quality wines on tap, most of which were organic and vegan. He explained that that the pop-up business was extremely sustainable, reducing waste and allowing local customers the option of great quality wines at a reasonable price. He explained that they would not be trading late in the evenings. The Premises had traded since September with temporary events notices and have had no problems; instead positive feedback had been received. It was noted that the Applicant was willing to work with residents and uphold the licensing objectives. The designated premises supervisor will be onsite at all times and lived in the local area.
Members then heard from Michelle Mason, Applicant, who explained that the premises had been operating for the past 7 years as a vintage furniture store. She wanted to allow Borough Wines a space within the store as a pop up in store to sell wines as an addition to the current business. She explained that they had been running the premises with Temporary Event Notices for the last 6 weeks and have had no complaints during this time. She confirmed that here would no drinking on the premises and no music played. She explained that the wines that would be sold were not the type to appeal to street drinkers and wound not encourage street drinking. Ms Mason stated that the addition of Borough Wines would help with the survival of her current business.
John Moore and Jennifer Sheridan, supporting the application, both expressed support of the premises and explained that the addition of Borough wines would be a positive for the area and community, a premises offering a selection of unique wines not available on the high street. It also helped with job creation and was zero waste and eco-friendly. They stated that the disruption that objectors are referring to was not from the shop but from other licensed drinking establishments in the area.
Members then heard from Corinne Holland, Licensing Officer, who explained that her objection related to the = off licence sales of alcohol in glasses for immediate consumption. that . She therefore suggested a specific condition that all sales of alcohol for consumption off the premises shall be in properly sealed containers only and not in any vessel for immediate consumption.
Members also heard from Kristen Perers, Duncan Campbell and William Taylor, objectors, who expressed similar concerns about the continued anti-social behaviour in the area and public nuisance associated with alcohol led premises. The objectors were concerned about the effect of another licenced premises on the area. It was ... view the full minutes text for item 4.2 |
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Minutes: At the request of the Chair, Ms Corinne Holland, Licensing Officer, introduced the report which detailed the application for a new premises licence for Hulya’s Café and Restaurant, 357-359 Cambridge Heath Road, London E2 9RA. It was noted that objections had been received by officers representing the Licensing Authority and Environmental Health.
Mr Graham Hopkins, Licensing Representative on behalf of the Applicant, explained that the café had been opened since the 1970’s and been operated by the Applicant for the past 21 years. He stated that the knowledge and experience of operating the premises for 21 years should give the Sub-Committee assurance that the Applicant was a good operator. The hours applied for were between 10am to 10pm and the premises had a capacity of 56 covers.
Mr Hopkins explained that alcohol would only be served ancillary to a meal and alcohol would only be served to seated customers. There would be no vertical drinking, no regulated entertainment and no drinks would be allowed to be consumed outside the premises. It was also noted that it was a low risk premises and the nature of the business would not change as the conditions offered would ensure that it would remain a restaurant.
Mr Hopkins addressed the issues of the cumulative impact zone and stated that the premises was a small capacity premises which was food led. The hours applied for were within the Council’s framework hours and the applicant was a good responsible operator.Any music played would be background music.
Members then heard from Lavine Miller-Johnson, Licensing Officer, and Nicola Cadzow, Environmental Health Officer. Both confirmed that the premises was within the cumulative impact zone (CIZ). However, they both expressed their satisfaction that the Applicant had made efforts to address the concerns of the CIZ and proposed conditions that would help promote the licensing objectives.
In response to questions the following was noted:
· Customers would not be allowed to take drinks outside the premises. · Notices would be displayed around the premises to leave quietly and respect the needs of local residents. · Customers would be asked to remain in the premises if waiting for cabs etc. · The early premises opening hours were applied for to allow its the breakfast trade. · They would operate a challenge 25 policy. · Staff would be trained during induction on how to sell alcohol responsibly.
The Licensing Objectives
In considering the application, Members are normally required to consider the same in accordance with the Licensing Act 2003 (as amended), the Licensing Objectives, the Home Office Guidance and the Council’s Statement of Licensing Policy and in particular to have regard to the promotion of the four licencing objectives:
Each application must be considered on its own merits. The Chair confirmed that the Sub-Committee had carefully considered all of the evidence before them and heard oral representations at the meeting made by the Applicant’s Licensing Representative and Officers ... view the full minutes text for item 4.3 |
EXTENSION OF DECISION DEADLINE: LICENSING ACT 2003 The Sub Committee may be requested to extend the decision deadline for applications to be considered at forthcoming meetings due to the volume of applications requiring a hearing. Where necessary, details will be provided at the meeting.
Additional documents: Minutes: Nil items.