Issue - meetings
Establishment of Appointments Sub Committee 2017/18
Meeting: 17/05/2017 - General Purposes Committee (Item 3)
3 Establishment of Appointments Sub Committee 2017/18 PDF 105 KB
The terms of reference of the General Purposes Committee include the determination of criteria for the Appointments Sub-Committees established from time to time to consider the appointment of statutory and non-statutory Chief Officers and Deputy Chief Officers.
This report recommends the establishment of the Appointments Sub-Committee for the current municipal year and the process for Chief Officer/Deputy CO appointments and proposes criteria for membership of the Sub-Committee in accordance with the Constitution and agreed procedures.
The Committee considered the report of the Committee Services Manager, proposing the establishment of an Appointment Sub Committee for the 2017/18 municipal year.
RESOLVED that the Committee agree:
1. That the terms of reference for Appointments Sub-Committees for the remainder of the municipal year 2017/18 as set out at paragraph 4.1 of the report;
2. That the arrangements for nominating Councillors to serve on an Appointments Sub-Committee be agreed as set out at paragraph 4.2 of the report and the Divisional Director, Legal or the Head of Governance and Democratic Services (or their respective nominee)be authorised to agree the dates of Appointments Sub-Committee meetings and the membership of the Sub-Committee for each appointment that is required in accordance with nominations from the Group Leaders and Mayor; and
3. That the Committee note the process for appointment to Chief Officer and Deputy Chief Officer posts as set out at paragraph 5 of the report.