Issue details
Housing & Regeneration Scrutiny Sub Committee Challenge Session action plan on the performance of Registered Providers in Tower Hamlets
The Chair of the Housing & Regeneration
Scrutiny Sub Committee requested a challenge session on Housing
Provider Performance in the borough that was held on 26 March
2024.This report sets out an Action Plan, following recommendations
made by the Sub-committee who agreed at their meeting of 13 May
2024, that the recommendations are committed to an Action Plan
which is now submitted to the Mayor and Cabinet for their
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: For Determination
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Notice of proposed decision first published: 17/09/2024
Decision due: 18 Dec 24 by Cabinet
Lead member: Cabinet Member for Regeneration, Inclusive Development and Housebuilding
Lead director: Corporate Director, Housing and Regeneration
Department: Housing and Regeneration
Contact: Charmaine Campbell, Senior Management Support Officer Email:, Alifa Khatun, Senior Management Support Officer Email:, Shivani Patel, Senior Management Support Officer Email:, Abdul Razak, Senior Management Support Officer Email:
Consultation process
Housing & Regeneration Scrutiny
sub-committee members were consulted in their meeting in March 2024
and will be consulted again in a meeting scheduled for April
Democratic Services were consulted in a meeting in July 2024.
The Housing Policy Strategy & Improvement team have been
consulted by email in addition to the internal Housing Management
team and Housing & Regeneration Directorate.
The Chair and other members of Tower Hamlets Housing Forum were
sent the document by email and submitted comments
Housing & Regeneration Scrutiny Sub
Committee members
Democratic Services
Housing & Regeneration Directorate
Housing Policy Strategy & Improvement Team
LBTH Housing Management Service
Tower Hamlets Housing Forum
Has an Equality Analysis been carried out and if so the result of this Assessment?: N/A
What supporting documents or other information will be available?: Report entitled Scrutiny Challenge Session of Housing Provider Performance in Tower Hamlets. Housing & Regeneration Scrutiny Sub Committee Action Plan
Agenda items
- 18/12/2024 - Cabinet Housing & Regeneration Scrutiny Sub Committee Challenge Session action plan on the performance of Registered Providers in Tower Hamlets 18/12/2024
- Housing & Regeneration Scrutiny Sub Committee Challenge Session action plan on the performance of Registered Providers in Tower Hamlets