Petition details
Urgently Install ANPR Cameras on Durward St to Tackle ASB
Large groups of men gather on Durward Street most evenings (9pm into early hours, up to 3am) every week, engaging in ASB, drug use and crime.
ASB experienced by residents of Kempton Court include (but not limited to): dangerous excessive speeding beyond legal limits, excessive revving of engines, car races, loud engines when stationary, loud music from cars, ball games at antisocial hours, loud shouting, intimidating and watching residents, parking on double yellow lines and on pavements and using the residential street as a gathering spot. This causes residents insomnia, anxiety and distress every week.
Drug use: Open use of Nitrous Oxide (laughing gas), including leaving cannisters on the street.
Crimes: The conduct has on numerous occasions surpassed ASB, and can be considered as a violation of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994, Part XII, Harassment, Alarm or Distress, S.154, 4A(1)(a).
Tower Hamlets Council have curbed their responsibilities to properly address and mitigate this continuous unsocial and dangerous behaviour. Residents have not witnessed TH Council ASB Patrol cars on Durward St patrolling at the anti social hours stated to be of concern, i.e. 9pm onwards. There is currently no CCTV on Durward St. All responsibility therefore falls on already exhausted residents to continue reporting, which has so far yielded no results.
An ANPR camera is the solution.
This Petition ran from 30/07/2024 to 10/09/2024 and has now finished.
63 people signed this Petition.