Petition details
Tower Hamlets Council to adopt the dock side path on the Isle of Dogs
The dockside path has declined in quality over the last few years. This is because:
• Waste bins have been removed so there is nowhere to leave
• Areas are not being cleaned regularly so rubbish builds
• Rubbish also ends up in the water which makes the whole area
look dirty and is also an issue for the birds and fish
• Tree roots are making paths uneven creating trip hazards and
causing accidents
• There are no Council CCTV cameras to help ensure
• Some lifebuoys are missing
• In addition the delays to the new south dock bridge is
putting more pressure on the Wilkinson Eyre South Quay
Most of the dockside path and the bridge is the responsibility of the Canal & River Trust, a national charity, responsible for the upkeep of the docks but it has seen its budget cut in recent years. Its only source of local income is from boat mooring fees which have not grown much in recent years compared to the number of people now using the land they own (which used to be publicly owned land).
This is an odd arrangement, a national organisation responsible for the waterways mainly for boat use is paying to look after land, the dockside path, that is mainly used by Tower Hamlets residents, who pay their Council to look after local areas.
The result is that important parts of the area are declining in quality at a time when the Council wants private buyers and investors to invest enormous sums in new build apartments close to the path.
The Isle of Dogs has generated enormous sums of money for Tower Hamlets Council in new Council tax, New Homes Bonus, S106 and CIL money. It’s time some of that was used to benefit the local area.
In addition many local assets critical to the area (the Westferry pumping station, the locks, the Wilkinson Eyre bridge, Pepper Street bridge and the Blue bridge) are also owned and maintained by Canal & River Trust.
In Newham by contrast the Royal Docks are managed by a consortium of central government, the GLA and a local business.
If the Council wants new development in this area, then it needs to get more involved in ensuring the area looks good, is safe, and welcoming. Why should people invest money in an area that looks run down?
We call on the Council to meet Canal and River Trust and to discuss how they can work together and how the Council can support the area. To look at:
• Place Council bins in dockside areas with high
• To include the dock side path in Council street cleaning
• To spend S106/CIL/NHB money on fixing the path
• To help CRT install lifebuoys that can be easily accessed in
an emergency, but which discourage misuse
• To investigate whether Canal & River Trust will be able
to maintain the docks, pumping station and bridges for the next few
And to install Council CCTV cameras in key locations to ensure public safety in an area that has seen increasing crime
Plus anything else that Canal & River Trust, the Council,
Councillors and residents think appropriate
This Petition ran from 28/09/2024 to 20/12/2024 and has now finished.
475 people signed this Petition.
Council response
Thank you for the petition submitted regarding the above matter. Please be assured the council is keen to make sure that our resident’s environment is clean and will support wherever we can to ensure this is the case.
As you have set out in the petition, this refers to land which is owned by the Canal and River Trust and is therefore, not under the local authority’s jurisdiction.
Consequently, as the land is not owned by the local authority, there are legal and financial implications and therefore, it is not in the local authority's best interest to take responsibility for the maintenance of private land.
We would be willing to meet with Canal and River Trust to discuss any support we can offer them to manage their land. I will arrange for an officer to make these arrangements in the New Year.
Thanks again for taking the time to raise this matter.
Yours sincerely,
Simon Baxter
Corporate Director Communities