Neighbourhood Planning: Determination of Roman Road Bow Neighbourhood Forum Redesignation Application | 11/10/2024 | | For Determination | 27/11/2024 |
Fees and Charges 2025-26 Report | 27/09/2024 | | For Determination | 18/12/2024 |
Budget Report 2025-26 and Medium Term Financial Strategy 2025-28 | 27/09/2024 | | For Determination | 08/01/2025 |
Continuation of Business Rates Pooling | 27/09/2024 | | For Determination | 27/11/2024 |
Harriott, Apsley, Pattison (HAP) Houses Regeneration Scheme – Approval to Award Build Contract | 27/09/2024 | | For Determination | 16/10/2024 |
Record of Corporate Director’s Actions Quarter 1& 2 (2024 -2025) | 25/09/2024 | | For Determination | 27/11/2024 |
Retendering of Agency Worker Contract | 23/09/2024 | | For Determination | 27/11/2024 |
Housing & Regeneration Scrutiny Sub Committee Challenge Session action plan on the performance of Registered Providers in Tower Hamlets | 17/09/2024 | | For Determination | 18/12/2024 |
Skylines Village Regeneration Scheme - Resolution for an in-principle Compulsory Purchase Order | 17/09/2024 | | For Determination | 27/11/2024 |
Council Housing Acquisition Programme | 17/09/2024 | | For Determination | 27/11/2024 |
Annual Resident Survey (ARS) 2024 results and analysis | 17/09/2024 | | For Determination | 16/10/2024 |
Cumulative Impact Assessment Policy 2024 - 2027 | 16/09/2024 | | For Determination | 16/10/2024 |
Approval of council’s Resident Engagement Strategy | 11/09/2024 | | For Determination | 27/11/2024 |
Discussion on the new Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy Delivery Plan | 11/09/2024 | | For Determination | 27/11/2024 |
Contract Forward Plan – Q2– FY 2024-2025 | 11/09/2024 | | For Determination | 16/10/2024 |
Corporate Peer Challenge Action Plan – Position Statement and Organisational Impact | 30/08/2024 | | For Determination | 16/10/2024 |
Strategic Delivery and Performance Report Year 3 Quarter 1 | 30/08/2024 | | For Determination | 16/10/2024 |
Harriott, Apsley & Pattison (HAP) Houses Regeneration Scheme - Resolution to make a Compulsory Purchase Order | 30/08/2024 | | For Determination | 16/10/2024 |
Planning for School Places 2025/26 Review and Recommendations | 30/08/2024 | | For Determination | 27/11/2024 |
Stepney Greencoat CE School – Expansion to Include Permanent Nursery Provision | 30/08/2024 | | For Determination | 27/11/2024 |
HSS Disabilities Scrutiny Action Plan | 30/08/2024 | | For Determination | 27/11/2024 |
Review of the Licensing Act Cumulative Impact Assessments | 30/08/2024 | | For Determination | 16/10/2024 |
Reduction and Recycling Plan Progress Report – Qtr 1, 2024-25 | 28/08/2024 | | For Determination | 16/10/2024 |
Tower Hamlets Council's Target Operating Model | 15/08/2024 | | For Determination | 16/10/2024 |
VAWG and Women’s Safety Strategy | 13/08/2024 | | For Determination | 16/10/2024 |
Mayors Waste Improvement Programme Update | 08/08/2024 | | For Determination | 11/09/2024 |
Record of Corporate Director’s Actions Quarter 1 (2024 -2025) | 31/07/2024 | | For Determination | 27/11/2024 |
Time Banded Collections (Waste Services) | 31/07/2024 | | For Determination | 02/10/2024 |
Parking Enforcement Plan refresh | 11/06/2024 | | For Determination | 11/09/2024 |
Approval of council’s Resident Engagement Strategy | 11/06/2024 | | For Determination | 27/11/2024 |
Development of the Victoria and Alexandra building, Victoria Park | 18/06/2024 | | For Determination | 11/09/2024 |
King George’s Field Trust Leases update | 09/07/2024 | | For Determination | 30/10/2024 |
King George’s Field Trust Investment Programmes | 09/07/2024 | | For Determination | 30/10/2024 |
King George’s Field Trust audited accounts and annual report 2022/2023 | 09/07/2024 | | For Determination | 30/10/2024 |
Contract Forward Plan – Q2 – FY 2024-2025 | 04/07/2024 | | For Determination | 16/10/2024 |
Mayors Drugs Unit | 04/07/2024 | | For Determination | 11/09/2024 |
Household Rubbish and Recycling Collections Policy | 04/07/2024 | | For Determination | 27/11/2024 |
Victoria Park New Amenities (Mini-golf) | 18/06/2024 | | For Determination | 16/10/2024 |
Update on Compliance with Consumer Regulations | 11/06/2024 | | For Determination | 24/07/2024 |
Revised Adult Social Care Charging Policy Incorporating Free Community Based Services | 06/06/2024 | | For Determination | 08/01/2025 |
Safeguarding Adults Board Annual Report 2023-24 | 06/06/2024 | | For Determination | 27/11/2024 |
Tower Hamlets Special Educational Needs, Disabilities and Inclusion Strategy 2024 to 2029. | 04/06/2024 | | For Determination | 16/10/2024 |
VAWG and Women’s Safety Strategy | 04/06/2024 | | For Determination | 11/09/2024 |
Approval of the council’s new Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2024-2029 | 04/06/2024 | | For Determination | 27/11/2024 |
Wood Wharf School; 20 Brannan Street, Canary Wharf, London, E14 9ZR | 15/05/2024 | | For Determination | 31/05/2024 |
Reduction and Recycling Plan Progress Report - Quarter 4, 2023 | 18/04/2024 | | For Determination | 11/09/2024 |
Draft Serious Violence and Exploitation Strategy | 11/04/2024 | | For Determination | 11/09/2024 |
Service Level Agreement (SLA) for Tower Hamlets Cemetery Park | 22/03/2024 | | For Determination | 26/06/2024 |
Local Community Fund (LCF) Performance Report July 2023-October 2023 | 22/03/2024 | | For Determination | 24/04/2024 |
Service Level Agreement (SLA) for Mudchute Park and Farm | 22/03/2024 | | For Determination | 26/06/2024 |
Wood Wharf Primary School and London Dock Secondary School ICT | 22/03/2024 | | For Determination | 24/04/2024 |
King George’s Field Trust audited accounts and annual report 2022/2023 | 09/02/2024 | | Item Deferred | 29/05/2024 |
Land at Gill Street – Options | 07/02/2024 | | For Determination | 27/11/2024 |
Approval of recommendations of the advisory meeting of the Grants Sub Committee | 27/11/2023 | | For Determination | 01/12/2023 |
Budget Report 2024-25 and Medium Term Financial Strategy 2024-27 | 02/11/2023 | | For Determination | 20/03/2024 |
IMD How Memorial Gateway | 17/10/2023 | | For Determination | 28/09/2023 |
Thriving High Streets 4 (THS4) – Business Grant Project | 13/09/2023 | | For Determination | 11/08/2023 |
Council Estates Policing Team - Future Section 92 Agreement | 13/09/2023 | | For Determination | 15/09/2023 |
Cancellation of Cabinet Approvals Regarding Disposal of Council Sites for Self-Build | 12/09/2023 | | For Determination | 17/09/2023 |
Watney Market: Approval to install Sprinklers and Emergency Lighting. | 12/09/2023 | | For Determination | 31/08/2023 |
Mayor's Community Grants Programme - Grants Award | 11/08/2023 | | For Determination | 13/07/2023 |
Extension of Cleaning & Associated Services Contract | 26/06/2023 | | For Determination | 25/06/2023 |
Corporate Parenting Board Annual Report 2022-23 | 21/04/2023 | | For Determination | 19/07/2023 |
Youth Investment Report | 10/01/2023 | Urgent | For Determination | Not before 11/01/2023 |
King George's Field Trust - Commercial Property Recommendations and Updates | 09/01/2023 | | For Determination | 22/03/2023 |
King George’s Field Trust Review of Fees and Charges | 09/01/2023 | | For Determination | 22/03/2023 |
PV Project - Renewable Energy Generation to Council Assets: Approval to spend carbon offset contributions to meet key energy and sustainability targets | 17/11/2022 | | For Determination | 16/11/2022 |
Neighbourhood Planning: Determination of Roman Road Bow Neighbourhood Forum Redesignation Application | 17/11/2022 | | For Determination | 25/01/2023 |
Youth Justice Board Annual Report | 27/09/2022 | | Recommend Forward to Council | 18/01/2023 |
Local Community Fund (LCF) Performance Report April 2022-June 2022 | 25/08/2022 | | For Determination | 09/11/2022 |
VCS Funding Awarded Under Delegated Authority | 25/08/2022 | | For Determination | 21/09/2022 |
King George’s Field Trust Governance Report | 03/08/2022 | | For Determination | 21/09/2022 |
Update of the Protocol for the Identification of Contaminated Land 2022 | 16/06/2022 | | For Determination | 30/11/2022 |
Offer of Historic Buildings Grant to the How Memorial Gateway | 30/05/2022 | | Item Deferred | 06/07/2022 |
King George’s Field Trust Update & Approvals | 12/05/2022 | | For Determination | 29/06/2022 |
Future of Commercial Road Car Pound | 27/09/2021 | | Item Deferred | 09/03/2022 |
Mental Health Strategy 2019-2024 | 21/08/2019 | | For Determination | 17/09/2019 |