Agenda item
Transfer of the Teviot, Brownfield and Aberfeldy Estates to Poplar HARCA (CAB 005/078)
1. That subject to the appropriate consents to dispose of the Brownfield, Aberfeldy & Teviot Estates to Poplar HARCA being sought and granted by the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government (“the Secretary of State”) and the Housing Corporation:
(a) The transfer of land on the Brownfield, Aberfeldy & Teviot Estates within the boundaries identified on plans appended to the report (CAB 005/078) at nil value, be agreed, subject to any further negotiation by the Authority with Communities and Local Government (CLG) and Poplar HARCA on the terms set out in Sections 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 of the report.
(b) That the Director of Housing Management be authorised to carry out all the necessary steps including the making of a Compulsory Purchase Order if necessary to ensure that those properties in Currie House and Dunkeld House identified in Appendix 4 to the report (CAB 005/078) can be acquired by the Authority.
(c) That the open spaces in the East India estates be disposed of in the best interests of the Borough subject to consideration of any comments or objections received in respect of this proposal.
(d) That it be noted that there will be retained rights of way as set out in paragraph 10 of the report (CAB 005/078);
2. That it be noted that the recommendations set out above and discussed in the body of this report are yet to be agreed fully by Poplar HARCA; and
3. That the Director of Housing Management be authorised, after consultation with the Director of Resources and Lead Member Development and Housing, to negotiate the precise terms and any outstanding issues relating to the transfer of the Brownfield, Teviot, and Aberfeldy Estates to Poplar HARCA as a consequence of resolution 2. above.
Action by:
New Partnerships & Initiatives Manager, Housing Services (L. Ormston)
Please note that the order of business was varied by resolution of the Cabinet earlier in the proceedings in order to allow this item to be considered following agenda item 6 “Deputations and Petitions”, however for ease of reference the deliberations of the Cabinet, and subsequent decisions taken, are set out below in the order detailed in the agenda.
Ms McEleney, Director Housing Management, at the request of the Chair addressed the matters raised by the deputation in relation to the report earlier in the proceedings. Ms McEleney also responded to a request for clarification/ assurance in relation to the final mix of tenures on the redeveloped Currie and Dunkeld sites.
Councillor Ahmed commented that residents had been successfully engaged in the Housing Choice Process, were in favour of transfer, and the consequent future regeneration of the area was also welcomed. Councillor Ahmed further commented that it was his understanding that Poplar HARCA had given commitments to the local community, regarding continued facilitation of the good work undertaken by local community organisations following the transfer of estates, and that the Authority also wished to ensure continuity of such provision. Councillor Ahmed sought an assurance that appropriate protections were included within the proposed transfer arrangements to this end, and in this context made particular reference to the Teviot Bangladeshi Association.
Ms McEleney, Director Housing Management, responded by drawing the attention of members of the Cabinet to paragraphs 7.1 and 7.2 of the report , which set out the community premises to be transferred to Poplar HARCA and the proposed protections for these, which were currently the subject of negotiations with Poplar HARCA. Ms McEleney added that should the premises of Teviot Bangladeshi Association be owned by the Authority and fall within the boundaries of the transfer area it would be possible to include these amongst those transferring to Poplar HARCA. However in any event officers worked with RSL’s and community organisations towards continuity of the level and standard of community service provision post transfer.
The Chair requested that the possible inclusion of the Teviot Bangladeshi Association premises within the transfer to Poplar HARCA be examined by the Director of Housing Management; and then Moved the recommendations contained in the report, subject to the following amendment to the Resolved
recommendation set out in paragraph 2.3, for the consideration of members of the Cabinet:
“That the Director of Housing Management consult the Lead Member Development and Housing, in addition to the Director of Resources, prior to negotiating the precise terms and any outstanding issues relating to the transfer of the estates.”
and it was:-
1. That subject to the appropriate consents to dispose of the Brownfield, Aberfeldy & Teviot Estates to Poplar HARCA being sought and granted by the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government (“the Secretary of State”) and the Housing Corporation:
(a) The transfer of land on the Brownfield, Aberfeldy & Teviot Estates within the boundaries identified on plans appended to the report (CAB 005/078) at nil value, be agreed, subject to any further negotiation by the Authority with Communities and Local Government (CLG) and Poplar HARCA on the terms set out in Sections 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 of the report.
(b) That the Director of Housing Management be authorised to carry out all the necessary steps including the making of a Compulsory Purchase Order if necessary to ensure that those properties in Currie House and Dunkeld House identified in Appendix 4 to the report (CAB 005/078) can be acquired by the Authority.
(c) That the open spaces in the East India estates be disposed of in the best interests of the Borough subject to consideration of any comments or objections received in respect of this proposal.
(d) That it be noted that there will be retained rights of way as set out in paragraph 10 of the report (CAB 005/078);
2. That it be noted that the recommendations set out above and discussed in the body of this report are yet to be agreed fully by Poplar HARCA; and
3. That the Director of Housing Management be authorised, after consultation with the Director of Resources and Lead Member Development and Housing, to negotiate the precise terms and any outstanding issues relating to the transfer of the Brownfield, Teviot, and Aberfeldy Estates to Poplar HARCA as a consequence of resolution 2. above.
Supporting documents:
- Tfr Teviot Brownfield Aberfeldy to Poplar HARCA Final, item 9.2 PDF 84 KB
- Tfr Teviot Brownfield Aberfeldy to Poplar HARCA Appx 1, item 9.2 PDF 11 KB
- Tfr Teviot Appx 2a, item 9.2 PDF 172 KB
- Tfr Teviot Appx 2b, item 9.2 PDF 134 KB
- Tfr Teviot Appx 3, item 9.2 PDF 223 KB
- Tfr Teviot Appx 4, item 9.2 PDF 154 KB
- Tfr Teviot B & A to Poplar HARCA Appx 5 UR, item 9.2 PDF 12 KB