This page lists the meetings for Standards Advisory Committee.
Earlier meetings. Later meetings.
The Standards Advisory Committee replaces the previous Standards Committee (decommissioned 01/07/2012). Agendas, minutes and further information on that committee are available here or through the Meetings link on the left of the page.
The Standards AdvisoryCommittee performs a number of functions to maintain high standards of conduct in public life. These include:
Meetings are open to the public to attend. However, the Committee or any of its Sub-Committees may meet in private, in accordance with the relevant legislation, to consider business.
The Standards Advisory Committee is made up of Councillors, Independent Persons (as defined in the Localism Act 2011) and Co-opted Members. A timetable for meeting dates and deadlines can be found here. The quorum for this body is 3 of the total membership including at least one Councillor and one Co-opted member.