Agenda and minutes
Venue: 701, 1st Floor, Town Hall, Mulberry Place, 5 Clove Crescent, London, E14 2BG
Contact: Anthony Jackson, Committee Services Officer Tel: 020 7364 5554 E-mail:
No. | Item |
APPOINTMENT OF CHAIR To receive nominations and appoint a Chair of Housing Scrutiny Sub-Committee.
(Note: This appointment is for this meeting only and not for the remaining Housing Scrutiny Sub-Committee meetings in the 2017/18 municipal year. The Overview and Scrutiny Committee will appoint a permanent Chair on 20 July 2017) Minutes: The Clerk opened the meeting and asked for nominations for a Chair for the meeting. The Clerk explained that the Chair's appointment would last for the duration of the meeting and not for the remaining meetings in the 2017/18 municipal year. It was noted that the Overview and Scrutiny Committee would appoint a permanent Chair at its next meeting on 20 July 2017.
Councillor Chesterton moved that Councillor Helal Uddin be appointed Chair of the Housing Scrutiny Sub-Committee. The motion was seconded by Councillor Pierce.
There being no further nominations, it was resolved that Councillor Helal Uddin be appointed Chair of the Housing Scrutiny Sub-Committee. |
APPOINTMENT OF VICE-CHAIR To receive nominations and appoint a Vice-Chair of the Housing Scrutiny Sub-Committee for the duration of the 2017/18 municipal year. Minutes: The Chair asked for nominations for a Vice-Chair of the Housing Scrutiny Sub-Committee for this meeting and the remaining meetings in the 2017/18 municipal year.
Councillor Pierce moved that Councillor Dave Chesterton be appointed Vice-Chair of the Housing Scrutiny Sub-Committee. The motion was seconded by the Chair.
There being no further nominations, it was resolved that Councillor Dave Chesterton be appointed Vice-Chair of the Housing Scrutiny Sub-Committee. |
DECLARATIONS OF DISCLOSABLE PECUNIARY INTERESTS To note any declarations of interest made by Members, including those restricting Members from voting on the questions detailed in Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act, 1992. See attached note from the Monitoring Officer.
Minutes: Councillor Pierce declared a pecuniary interest as he sat on the board of Tower Hamlets Homes.
The Chair declared a pecuniary interest as his employer – The Bromley by Bow Centre – undertook partnership work with the registered provider – Poplar Harca. |
MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING(S) To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of the Housing Scrutiny Sub-Committee held on 24 April 2017. Minutes: The Chair referred members of the Sub-Committee to the minutes of the previous meeting held on the 20th April 2016. She asked members to approve these as an accurate record of the meeting.
The Members agreed the minutes to be an accurate record of the meeting subject to the following amendments:
• Councillor Rabina Khan apologies for absence being recorded; and
• A bullet point being added to Members’ comments with regard to maintenance and caretaker costs on an hourly basis and the fact that anti-social behaviour may have had an effect on the number of repairs.
The point was made that actions detailed in the previous minutes were not logged. Councillor Pierce suggested that a log of actions is submitted for each meeting with the minutes to enable accurate records to be kept on the status of whether actions were completed. |
Minutes: Anthony Jackson, Committee Officer, introduced the report, explaining that the report set out the Terms of Reference, Quorum, Membership and Dates of meetings for the Housing Scrutiny Sub-Committee for the 2017/18 municipal year.
Members made the point that when the Housing Scrutiny Sub-Committee was first set-up; it was made clear that the purpose of the committee was to enable the public to actively engage in the scrutiny of housing in their borough. It was pointed out that not all sub-committee meetings should be held in the Town Hall as if meetings were held in other venues, it would provide further publicity and allow for access to meetings by the public. It was suggested that the Terms of Reference of the sub-committee be extended to allow the sub-committee to receive petitions. Members stated that it was important that there was clarity on how the public can engage with the work of the sub-committee.
ACTION: Members asked that officers consider the above points and report back to a future meeting with recommendations.
Sandra Fawcett, Chair of Tower Hamlets Homes, explained that there was a set procedure and that petitions would have to go to the appropriate Registered Provider first.
Members also pointed out that the Housing Scrutiny Sub-Committee, scheduled for 29 January 2018, clashed with a Labour Group meeting.
That the Housing Scrutiny Sub-Committee notes its Terms of Reference, Quorum, Membership and Dates of Future Meetings as set out in Appendices 1, 2 and 3 to the report. |
HOUSING SCRUTINY SUB-COMMITTEE - HOW IT WILL WORK Minutes: Ahmed Choudhury, Senior Strategy, Policy and Performance Officer, provided a presentation on how the Housing Scrutiny Sub-Committee will work. In doing so, he first focussed on the rationale for the sub-committee and said that housing was:
• now subject to greater public transparency and scrutiny • a high profile amongst Members • a priority for local residents • a key determinant of quality of life • subject to rapid changes (local, regional and national) • a top priority for the Government in terms of affordable housing and the Mayor of London’s Housing Strategy 2016-21.
Mr Choudhury then explained how the sub-committee would work and its responsibilities. He focussed on the following points:
• the sub-committee would consider practical improvements • Mayor and Cabinet would be fully engaged in the work of the sub-committee • the need for an in-depth review or challenge session • pre-decision scrutiny of Cabinet papers • to listen, observe and learn • to provide challenge, spotlight and evidence • that the sub-committee will be solution focussed • the sub-committee would recommend improvements, develop policy, manage performance, service visits and meet with officers.
Mr Choudhury explained that the purpose of the sub-committee would be to provide scrutiny and to identify best practice, with the intention of:
• making an impact • finding solutions to local housing challenges • driving up standards • highlighting improvements • independent reviewing and challenging • recognising good practice • partnership working
Members referred to the presentation, specifically “finding solutions to local housing challenges” and asked what the challenges were exactly. Mr Choudhury in response outlined issues such as under occupation, and overcrowding as some of the challenges and referred to item 8 of the agenda – which would provide a detailed presentation on the key housing challenges in Tower Hamlets.
Members pointed out that an achievement that the sub-committee should strive for was better communication. They said that there were good reviews undertaken over the last few years and that there was a structure in place to ensure that work was implemented. Members suggested that it would be helpful to have a stakeholder plan in place. They pointed out that the sub-committee should want to change behaviours and it was important to consider how to engage with the public.
Members also noted that the design guide was now complete and asked that its progress be reported to a future meeting, so that the impact on affordable housing could be examined. |
HOUSING IN TOWER HAMLETS - UNDERSTANDING THE KEY CHALLENGES Minutes: Mark Baigent, Interim Head of Strategy Regeneration Sustainability and Housing Options, gave a presentation which provided Members with an update on the 2016/21 Housing Strategy, the challenges faced and how the Council were responding. [Slides circulated]
Mr Baigent then took questions from Members on the following:
Members asked what communication had been undertaken to inform residents of the contents of the Housing Strategy. On the subject of passing of tenancies after the death of a family member they pointed out that, in some cases, there could be a grandparent, parent and children in one house and it was unclear what would happen to the other residents if the main tenant died. The Chair pointed out that new legislation referred to new tenancies and not existing ones. Mr Baigent stated that the regulations had not yet been released. He confirmed that the new regulations would be subject to consultation and that would be the time to ask such questions. Councillor Islam highlighted the impact of the Landlords and Tenants Act. He said there had been communication and succession planning and that there were cases where the relevant Housing Manager had made arrangements for a resident whose mother, the main tenant, had passed away to ensure they did not lose their home.
Members also stated that there was a lack of understanding of what exactly constitutes a House of Multiple Occupation (HMO). They impressed that the rules around HMO were made clearer and communicated properly. Mr Baigent responded by referring to a HMO licensing scheme which had been introduced. He added that they were looking into the prospect of additional licensing. He confirmed that officers were taking the issue very seriously as much of the homelessness in the borough was as a result of private landlord evictions. Councillor Islam referred to the fact that a digital licensing scheme was currently being consulted on.
Members then asked whether there was a budget for the better care fund. Mr Baigent confirmed that he would send a written response to the Member.
Members also suggested that domestic violence in hostels was an important subject and should have been listed as one of the key challenges. Mr Baigent confirmed that it would be in the Strategy.
Members stated that affordable housing was a significant issue and that there was a real risk that many individuals could not pay their rent in homes that were considered to be affordable. Members referred to the challenge for young people in relation to housing and suggested that officers scrutinise the issue.
Members referred to the issue of benefit caps and asked whether there were any incentives to give those subject to the caps support. Mr Baigent confirmed that the Mayor had set aside budgets to address the issue and that officers were currently looking on how to apply those budgets. He confirmed that the Council were in the process of ascertaining those affected by the benefit caps and stated that Housing Associations needed to consider whether their tenants could afford ... view the full minutes text for item 8. |
FIRE SAFETY IN HIGH RISES Additional documents: Minutes: Mark Baigent, Interim Head of Strategy Regeneration Sustainability and Housing Options, gave a presentation which provided Members with an update on the 2016/21 Housing Strategy, the challenges faced and how the Council were responding. [Slides circulated]
Mr Baigent then took questions from Members on the following:
Members asked what communication had been undertaken to inform residents of the contents of the Housing Strategy. On the subject of passing of tenancies after the death of a family member they pointed out that, in some cases, there could be a grandparent, parent and children in one house and it was unclear what would happen to the other residents if the main tenant died. The Chair pointed out that new legislation referred to new tenancies and not existing ones. Mr Baigent stated that the regulations had not yet been released. He confirmed that the new regulations would be subject to consultation and that would be the time to ask such questions. Councillor Islam highlighted the impact of the Landlords and Tenants Act. He said there had been communication and succession planning and that there were cases where the relevant Housing Manager had made arrangements for a resident whose mother, the main tenant, had passed away to ensure they did not lose their home.
Members also stated that there was a lack of understanding of what exactly constitutes a House of Multiple Occupation (HMO). They impressed that the rules around HMO were made clearer and communicated properly. Mr Baigent responded by referring to a HMO licensing scheme which had been introduced. He added that they were looking into the prospect of additional licensing. He confirmed that officers were taking the issue very seriously as much of the homelessness in the borough was as a result of private landlord evictions. Councillor Islam referred to the fact that a digital licensing scheme was currently being consulted on.
Members then asked whether there was a budget for the better care fund. Mr Baigent confirmed that he would send a written response to the Member.
Members also suggested that domestic violence in hostels was an important subject and should have been listed as one of the key challenges. Mr Baigent confirmed that it would be in the Strategy.
Members stated that affordable housing was a significant issue and that there was a real risk that many individuals could not pay their rent in homes that were considered to be affordable. Members referred to the challenge for young people in relation to housing and suggested that officers scrutinise the issue.
Members referred to the issue of benefit caps and asked whether there were any incentives to give those subject to the caps support. Mr Baigent confirmed that the Mayor had set aside budgets to address the issue and that officers were currently looking on how to apply those budgets. He confirmed that the Council were in the process of ascertaining those affected by the benefit caps and stated that Housing Associations needed to consider whether their tenants could afford ... view the full minutes text for item 9. |
DEVELOPING THE HOUSING SCRUTINY SUB-COMMITTEE WORK PROGRAMME Minutes: A draft work programme for the Housing Scrutiny Sub-Committee for the 2017/18 municipal year was tabled at the meeting.
Mr Choudhury asked for Members comments and suggestions on the work programme. He stated that their views would be incorporated and then the amended work programme would be circulated to Members for final comments.
Members referred to the two reviews proposed on the work programme and made the point that meetings with reviews on the agenda could meet more frequently and could last as long as necessary. They stated that it was important to be able to delve into a subject comprehensively with no time constraints.
Members also suggested that the ‘Housing White Paper’ be removed from the work programme and that the ‘London Plan’ be substituted in its place.
Members also suggested visiting other Councils’ to potentially obtain examples of best practice. |
ANY OTHER BUSINESS WHICH THE CHAIR CONSIDERS TO BE URGENT Minutes: There was no other business discussed. |