Agenda and minutes
Venue: MP702 - Town Hall, Mulberry Place, 5 Clove Crescent, London, E14 2BG. View directions
Contact: The Committee Services Officer Tel: 020 7364 5554 E-mail:
No. | Item |
DECLARATIONS OF DISCLOSABLE PECUNIARY INTERESTS PDF 118 KB To note any declarations of interest made by Members, including those restricting Members from voting on the questions detailed in Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act, 1992. See attached note from the Monitoring Officer.
Minutes: There were no declarations of pecuniary interests.
MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING PDF 142 KB To note as an accurate record the minutes of the meeting held on 22 July 2019. 18:30-18:40 Minutes: RESOLVED:
SPOTLIGHT: High Streets and Town Centres - Supporting new and existing business PDF 275 KB Fiona Crehan, High Streets and Town Centres Manager - Report to follow.
18:40-19:50 (1hr 10 mins) Additional documents: Minutes: [The Chair decided to change the order of business so the Draft Open Spaces Scrutiny Report was discussed first followed by the spotlight on High Streets and Town Centres. For improved readability the minutes will follow the order published on the agenda].
The Committee received the report and presentation of Fiona Crehan (High Streets and Town Centres Manager) on supporting new and existing businesses on the high street.
In response to the presentation the following discussions took place:
Ben Johnson Road A Member asked if there were plans to renovate the Ben Johnson Road area and if the council had powers to change the use of units into retail outlets as opposed to the varied nature of the businesses. Officers responded that Ben Johnson Road had been identified as a potential scheme but resources had been allocated to higher priority areas. Officers mentioned that they could look at delivering small initiatives, to support businesses, improve attractiveness and offer but were hesitant to overstretch funds that had already been allocated to schemes.
With regard to the change of use query, officers explained that it was up to the landlord of a property to apply for a change of use classification. They said planning officers would only get involved if there was significant evidence that the unit was not a viable use of its existing classification.
ACTION: For the Enterprise Team to explore the growth of businesses at Ben Johnson Road and for Fiona Crehan to find out if there were any funds available to do a small scale project in the Ben Johnson Road area.
Concentrations of the same type of business Members queried if there was anything that could be done to prevent the concentration of the same type of businesses in one area. Officers explained that the council could not force a business to close and that in some cases the concentration of businesses made commercial sense. For example the Indian wedding outlet shops in Bethnal Green were in direct competition with similar outlets in Green Street West Ham which was located outside the borough.
Community Cohesion Members thanked the highstreets team for their work on Roman Road West which they said was urgently needed.
Members asked officers whether there was any community cohesion work in the pipeline. A Member had noted that some coffee shops for example were expensive and perceived to be inaccessible to the wider community. Officers explained that it was up to the business to set their prices and many had little opportunity to reduce prices due to high business rates and business loans.
Officers said the highstreets team was able to broker introductions between businesses and community groups to boost the business and to help it become an asset to the community. They also said they could ask business owners i.e. coffee shops to think about how they might attract more customers and advise them to use social media to attract new customers, facilitate meet up events and parent coffee mornings during less busy ... view the full minutes text for item 4. |
Draft Housing Open Spaces Scrutiny Report PDF 369 KB Report of Mark Baigent, Interim Divisional Director Housing and Regeneration – Report to follow. 19:50 – 20:20 (30 mins) Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee were given the opportunity to review and comment on the final draft of the Open Spaces Scrutiny Report. The Committee approved the report as presented.
GIS Mapping There was a discussion around funding for geographic information system (GIS) mapping of housing open spaces. Officers responded that the recommendation had been noted but a decision had not been made to fund it in addition to existing and pressing council priorities. Sandra Fawcett advised the Committee that many aspects to the action plan could be accomplished with existing resources.
Pesticides A Member raised a concern that Tower Hamlets Homes Residents had reported that THH was using harmful pesticides on their estate grounds. The Committee requested for Mark Baigent (Interim Divisional Director of Housing & Regeneration) to find out what kind of pesticides were being used and ask them to switch to a more environmentally friendly product. Mr Baigent said he would look into the issue.
Mark Baigent and Sandra Fawcett left the meeting after this item. It was noted that it would be Mark Baigent’s last meeting as he would leaving the Council. His replacement Karen Swift would be joining the Council on 30th September. The Committee thanked Mark for his service to the Committee and wished him all the best for the future.
ANY OTHER BUSINESS To consider other urgent business. 20:20-20:30 (10 mins) Minutes: Chairs announcement: It was noted that it would be Abidah Kamali’s last meeting supporting the Committee. Abidah would continue at the council as a policy manager on a new policy project. The Chair thanked Abidah for her support to the Committee over the course of the year. It was announced that Mark Slowikowski would be stepping in as a policy officer to the Committee as of the next meeting in November 2019.
Councils Contingency Plan
ACTION: Councillor Wood requested the council’s Contingency Plan be reviewed by the Committee further to concerns at the handling of a gas leak in the Canary Wharf and Limehouse area, earlier in the afternoon. The Committee agreed to include this item on the forward plan.
Resident Engagement
ACTION: To include in the forward plan an update on how Social Landlords plan to / or are delivering the additional requirements of Resident Engagement as specified in the Social Housing Green Paper and Building a Safer Future consultation