Agenda and minutes
Venue: Committee Room One - Town Hall, Mulberry Place, 5 Clove Crescent, London, E14 2BG. View directions
Contact: Committee Services Officer - Rushena Miah Email:
No. | Item |
STANDING ITEMS OF BUSINESS 6.00-6.10pm (10 mins) |
WELCOME INTRODUCTIONS AND APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillor Danny Hassell, Councillor Sirajul Islam, Councillor Amy Whitelock Gibbs, Denise Radley, Dr Ian Basnett, Jackie Sullivan, Simon Hall, Dr Navina Evans, Chris Banks, and Dianne Barham.
MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING AND MATTERS ARISING To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 20 February 2018. Minutes: RESOLVED
i. The minutes of the meeting held on 20 February 2018 were approved as an accurate record and signed by the Chair. |
DECLARATIONS OF DISCLOSABLE PECUNIARY INTERESTS To note any declarations of interest made by members of the Board. (See attached note of Monitoring Officer).
Minutes: There were no declarations of pecuniary interests. |
DRAFT TERMS OF REFERENCE Additional documents: Minutes: The draft Terms of Reference report was presented by Dr Somen Banerjee, Director of Public Health.
The report noted the following additions to the membership of the Board:
1. The Chair of the Tower Hamlets Together Board (which reports to the Health and Wellbeing Board). 2. The Chairs of the Joint Commissioning Executive (although it was recognised that under the current arrangement the Chairs are already Members of the Board). 3. In addition to this it was noted that there was an omission in the report in that that the Board requested the managing director of Tower Hamlets Education Partnership to also become a Member of the Board.
Changes in titles for some Members: · Managing Director of Royal London Site, Barts Health replaces Chief Officer Barts Health. · Chief Executive East London and the Foundation Trust (ELFT) replaces Regional Managing Director ELFT · Managing Director, NHS Tower Hamlets Clinical Commissioning Group(THCCG) replaces Chief Officer THCCG
RESOLVED i. To note the additional appointments to the Board outlined in the report. ii. To note the appointment of the Chief Executive of the Tower Hamlets Education Partnership onto the Board. iii. To note the changes in post titles set out in 3.5 of the report.
MEETING DATES FOR 2018/19 Minutes: Board dates for 2018/19 were noted.
Dr Sam Everington said that CCG Members would be unable to attend the Tuesday 7 May 2019 meeting. The Committee Clerk agreed to find another suitable date in May.
RESOLVED i. To note meeting dates for 2018/19 ii. To reschedule the 7 May 2019 meeting to another date in May.
HEALTH AND WELLBEING BOARD STRATEGY 2017-2020 (2018/19 Action Plan) 2018/19 – Action Plan: Introduced by Dr Somen Banerjee, Director of Public Health. This will be a discussion session on developing the actions for the 2018/19 priorities. The Board will review what has changed over the first year of the strategy and explore what requires focus in 2018/19.
(Updates on Communities Driving Change, Health and Employment and Healthy Place will be included in the agenda pack for information).
6.10-6.55pm (45 mins) Minutes: The Board received a presentation from Dr Somen Banerjee, Director of Public Health, on developing board priorities. The Board were asked to get into groups to discuss what they could ‘bring to the table’, priority areas that interested them and select a board champion group to join.
Expressions of interest for Board Champion Groups: · Dr Sam Everington – Board Champion area selected was Children’s Healthy Weight and Nutrition. Sam also talked about the importance of utilising the Town Hall – Civic Centre as an inclusive space for the community. · Councillor David Edgar – selected Healthy Place as his board champion group, should he be re-elected next year. · Tracey Connell, who was substituting for Chris Banks GP Care Group, selected Healthy Place and Communities Driving Change as areas of interest for the GP Care Group. · Debbie Jones – as Corporate Director of Children’s Services selected ‘Children’s Weight and Nutrition’ and ‘Developing an Integrated System’ as her preferences for board champion groups. · Paul Calaminus, who was substituting for Dr Navina Evans NHS Barts Trust, selected Healthy Place as a board champion preference. · Abigale Knight, Deputy Director Public Health expressed an interest in bringing mental wellness and resilience into the Healthy Place strand and linking it to Communities Driving Change. · Simon Walton – selected the Employment and Health and Developing an Integrated System as board champion groups to join. · Rahima Miah, substitute for Simon Hall CCG – selected Developing an Integrated System with an aim of developing a shared outcomes framework as their board champion topic. · Chris Lovitt, Public Health – said he would be supporting the Developing an Integrated System as his board champion group. He expressed an interest in tackling substance misuse as a theme within this strand. · Sue Hogarth, Public Health – will be supporting the Developing an Integrated System and shared outcomes framework. · Mark Vittles, substitute for Alison Robert THCVS, said he could not commit to a board champion group without discussing it with his colleagues. He said THCVS was already involved in the Communities Driving Change strand of the strategy and thought this would continue. · Randal Smith, Healthwatch – expressed an interest in the Developing Integrated Systems, Communities Driving Change and Employment and Health groups. · Katie Cole, Public Health – will be supporting the Children’s Healthy Weight and Nutrition and Communities Driving Change groups.
Dr Banerjee said that Public Health had a role in all of the themes, insight, evidence gathering, strategy, partnerships and evaluation. He said a shared outcomes framework required active and concentrated effort with agreement across the Board.
It was noted that a board champion session would be held sometime between May - July 2018.
RESOLVED i. To note the report. ii. To review and approve the 18/19 action plan for: Priority 1: Communities Driving Change Priority 2: Healthy Place Priority 3: Employment and Health
Local initiatives such as the public facing portal and social prescribing are about helping people connect to local assets and services that will impact on their wellbeing. How can we as a Board be system leaders in embedding this approach at scale? 6.55-7.25pm (30 mins) Minutes: The Committee received a presentation from Tracey Cannell, Chief Officer GP Care Group, and David Robertson GP Care Group, on a local services portal called ‘Tower Hamlets Choices’ which was still in the developmental stages. It was funded by vanguard money. Aspirations for the site were:
· A resource where all community services and assets could be listed. · To provide a search engine function · Thoroughly map services · Link to the idea store in a more interactive way · To hire a ‘librarian’ to manage the back end of the site · The name of the site could be opened up for co-production · The site would require a live trial to iron out issues · The site would have to be easy to use and be kept up to date
Discussion points arising from the presentation: · That the website should have an associated app that should be included in any welcome packages to new residents of the borough · A wealth of other information could be included in the website so there is potential for growth · Creators should be mindful of financial sustainability and consistent updates. · It was suggested that the ownership of the website should sit within Tower Hamlets Together. · There was an important connection between this service and the Council’s programme of citizen’s accounts. The Council would need to ensure that these tools were integrated and not running in parallel. · A member of the public said that a lot of the information provided on the portal was on NHS choices or the Council website. She queried whether it was possible to create a site for specific services such as women and children’s services. Tracey said the site would have the ability to search by topic. · Creators should keep in mind that a rebuild is required for any business or online tool every 3-5 years and this should be factored into maintenance costs. · A Member posed the question How can I tell people to stop using google and use this instead? This was something to think about. · The site would make it possible for both the organisation and ‘librarian’ to update data but the onus would be on the librarian to seek up to date information. · That the site was an opportunity to make informed choices. · It was predicted that social prescribers would be the people who would most use the site and drive the work. · A Member suggested that for genuine sustainability difficult financial choices may need to be made or partnerships could be made with commercial parties. · There was agreement that an update on the progress and development of the website should be brought to the October meeting of the Board.
Action: Tower Hamlets Choices website update to be added to the Forward Plan for the October meeting.
RESOLVED: i. To note the presentation. |
ANY OTHER BUSINESS 7.25-7.30pm (5 mins)
Minutes: Simon Walton, Housing Rep, informed the committee about a conference on wellbeing that would showcase social landlords, discuss their role in improving health and wellbeing and will provide an opportunity for networking. The event was noted to be held on 23 July 2018 at Poplar Union. Members were asked to hold the date. |