Agenda and minutes
Venue: MP701 - Town Hall Mulberry Place, 5 Clove Crescent, London, E14 2BG. View directions
Contact: Rushena Miah - Committee Services Officer Email:
No. | Item |
WELCOME, INTRODUCTIONS AND APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE To receive apologies for absence and subsequently the Chair to welcome those present to the meeting and request introductions.
DECLARATIONS OF DISCLOSABLE PECUNIARY INTERESTS To note any declarations of interest made by members of the Board. (See attached note of Monitoring Officer).
Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
PUBLIC QUESTIONS AND PETITIONS Minutes: There were no public petitions or questions submitted in advance of the meeting. |
MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING AND MATTERS ARISING To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of the Tower Hamlets Health and Wellbeing Board held on 7 November 2017. Also to consider matters arising.
Minutes: Denise Radley, Director of Health, Adults and Community, fed back that concerns raised regarding the closure of Hopetown women’s hostel have been resolved.
It was confirmed that Simon Walton was the new housing representative replacing Jane Ball.
Dr Somen Banerjee, Director Public Health, confirmed that he submitted the Board’s response to the London Health Inequalities consultation.
Outstanding Actions: The Community Plan Refresh Document to be emailed to the Board.
The minutes of the meeting on 7 November 2017 were approved as an accurate record of the meeting and signed by the Chair.
Minutes: The following points were noted in relation to the Forward Plan: · The draft Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment will come to the February meeting of this Board for discussion with the aim to sign it off at the March meeting. · The March meeting should table a draft strategy for the Health and Wellbeing Board 2018/19. Members were reminded about the appointment of board champions and were advised to contact Dr Banerjee to express interest. · The meeting scheduled for 20 March 2018 has now been changed to Tuesday 27March 2018. This was due to a clash with Cabinet.
The board noted the forward plan.
Action: Committee clerk to send a diary appointment to Members confirming the March meeting of the Board has been moved to the 27 March 2018.
COMMUNITIES DRIVING CHANGE Minutes: The Board heard a verbal update from Dianne Barham, Tower Hamlets Healthwatch Manager. · A community insight network has been launched. The network is made up of researchers who have been trained in participatory appraisal and are working towards building a shared repository of community feedback and evidence. The data can be accessed by health partners via a license fee of £2000. · Dr Banerjee said that the Community Insight project has been a positive development in the aspiration to access community insight in a central location. · The Healthy Communities tender has been awarded. An update on this will be provided later in the year.
To note the Communities Driving Change priority update. |
EMPLOYMENT AND HEALTH Additional documents: Minutes: The Board heard a presentation from Misha Moore, Public Health Registrar, and Andrew Moore, Occupation Health and Wellbeing Project Lead, on the London Healthy Workplace Charter. They advocated for partners on the Board to sign up to the Charter. The accreditation is monitored by the Greater London Authority and has three levels of award: Commitment, Achievement and Excellence. Scoring is based on eight health criteria.
Members of the Board were enthusiastic about the accreditation. There was a consensus that the Tower Hamlets Employment Forum should be revived and use it as a platform to promote the London Healthy Workplace Charter.
Sue Williams, Borough Commander –Chief Superintendent, requested that a domestic violence strand be included in the criteria for accreditation as it is an issue that significantly impacts wider health and wellbeing.
Other suggestions included linking the Charter to walking initiatives or the Community Plan under the heading of ‘Space and Place’.
Dr Banerjee concluded the discussion by reminding Board Members that there was a commitment for Partners on the Board to sign up to the Charter. He asked Abigale Knight, Associate Director of Public Health, to discuss the Charter with partners on the Board who have not yet signed up.
The Chair thanked the speakers for their presentation.
To implement the London Healthy Workplace Charter within Board Members respective organisations.
Abigale Knight, Associate Director of Public Health, to look into restarting the Tower Hamlets Employment Forum.
Abigale Knight to follow with Board Members on signing up to the London Healthy Workplace Charter.
CHILDREN'S WEIGHT AND NUTRITION Minutes: Ronke Martins-Taylor, Divisional Director Youth and Commissioning, provided an update on the progress of the Children –healthy weight and nutrition priority of the Action Plan. She summarised the work of the Board Champions. This included:
· Supporting work to ensure there is a school governor with a health background on every school governing body. · Developing a school dashboard to measure health indicators. · Promoting the ‘Healthy Mile’ in schools which is a scheme to encourage children to walk or run for a mile a day. Twenty eight schools were reported to be involved with the initiative. · It was noted there will be an event held on the Healthy Mile on 20 March 2018. Board Members were invited to attend. · Working towards increasing the number of schools achieving ‘Healthy School’ status. The Healthy Mile can contribute towards schools receiving silver status on the accreditation. · The re-procurement of the Schools Health Service will begin in January 2018. The service specification requires a whole school approach towards healthy eating and healthy weight.
The Chair asked if Members had any questions or comments. Councillor Amy Whitelock-Gibbs informed the committee that the Tower Hamlets Education Partnership (THEP) has appointed a new director named Tracy Smith. Councillor Whitelock-Gibbs volunteered to get in touch with Ms. Smith to discuss how THEP could get involved with the Action Plan.
To note the progress report on the Children Healthy Weight and Nutrition priority.
Councillor Amy Whitelock-Gibbs to get in touch with Tracy Smith, Director of THEP, to discuss joint working on the healthy weight and nutrition priority. |
Minutes: The Board heard a presentation from Chris Lovitt, Associate Director of Public Health and Nicola Donnelly, Programme Manager Young Adults. Mr Lovitt asked the Board to adopt the strategy further to the amendments listed on page 86 of the report.
The amendments primarily involved rephrasing the language used in some of the priority headings.
The strategy was praised by the Board.
Councillor Whitelock-Gibbs said that the strategy was very helpful and she was pleased that simplified language was used to promote accessibility. She endorsed the strategy and asked what more she could do to champion it.
Simon Hall, Chief Officer Tower Hamlets Clinical Commissioning Group, pointed out that the risk indicator of social isolation or withdrawal should not be limited to the young people’s section as the issue affects all age groups.
Ronke Martins-Taylor, Divisional Director Youth and Commissioning, said that she was developing a strategy to engage with young people at risk. A tool kit has been developed and training will be delivered on how to use it at schools. She suggested there may be opportunities for cross working.
Denise Radly, Director of Health, Adults and Community, said that the strategy was a positive step forward in prevention and early intervention. She thanked the team for their work on the strategy.
Sue Williams, Borough Commander, endorsed the strategy. It was noted that the police will be supporting the strategy by interrogating their database for statistics on suicide in Tower Hamlets.
To adopt the Suicide Prevention Strategy and Action Plan.
ANY OTHER BUSINESS To consider any other business the Chair considers to be urgent.
Minutes: Youth Crisis Service
Ronke-Taylor Martins, Divisional Director Youth Commissioning, informed the Board about some partnership work carried out between the Council and Docklands Outreach which targeted youths in crisis. The service was co-located at the Royal London Paediatric Unit from April 2015 to end of 2017.
The Council is seeking to re-provision the service. Support included three crisis intervention sessions for each young person costing £50,000 a year and cognitive behavioural therapy to support young people costing £30,000 a year. The service was delivered under the Stronger Families Service and was funded on a payment by results basis.
It was noted that Dr Martin Griffiths from the Royal London Hospital has expressed support for the service to continue within a hospital setting. This was because hospitals are often the first point of contact with professionals for a young person after entering a crisis situation.
The Board noted the verbal update from the Divisional Director for Youth and Commissioning. However, they were of the opinion that having just heard about the service they could not make a recommendation on whether to re-provision the service. They advised that it would appropriate for a formal report to go to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee in the first instance, as this concerns an operational issue.
Chairs Announcements
The Tower Hamlets Partnership is inviting board members to a Partnership Summit scheduled for Thursday 11th January 2018, at The Atrium, 124 Cheshire Street, London, E2 6EJ, from 9.30am – 2.00pm. This is to begin gathering the views of leaders across our community about what should be in our new Community Plan and what our shared vision for the future should be.
Those interested in attending (Board members only) will need to register their interest. Details have been emailed to board members.
The Cabinet meeting has been moved to 20 March 2018 which now clashes with the Health and Wellbeing Board meeting. It was proposed the Board meeting be moved to the following week – Tuesday 27th March 2018. A confirmation email will be circulated by Committee Services shortly.
DATE OF NEXT MEETING 20 February 2017, 5.30pm, venue tbc. |
BOARD DEVELOPMENT SESSION - FOR BOARD MEMBERS AND INVITEES ONLY Board Development Session – Tower Hamlets Health and Social Care Landscape, (6.45-7.45pm).
Facilitated by Denise Radley, Corporate Director of Health, Adults & Community and Simon Hall, Acting Chief Officer of Tower Hamlets Clinical Commissioning Group.
Minutes: This item was not part of the formal meeting. |