Agenda and minutes
Venue: MP702 - Town Hall, Mulberry Place, 5 Clove Crescent, London, E14 2BG. View directions
Contact: Democratic Services Officer
No. | Item |
Welcome, Introductions and Apologies for Absence To receive apologies for absence and subsequently the Chair to welcome those present to the meeting and request introductions. Any public questions or petitions can also be taken at this time if required.
Minutes: Dr Sam Everington, Vice-Chair, welcomed everyone to the meeting.
In particular he introduced Councillor Denise Jones, the newly appointed Cabinet Member for Health and Adults Services who would be the new Chair of the Health and Wellbeing Board. However, following discussion, he had agreed to Chair this particular meeting to allow Councillor Denise Jones time to get up to speed on relevant issues before she began chairing meetings. She would Chair the next meeting.
Minutes of the Previous Meeting and Matters Arising To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of the Tower Hamlets Health and Wellbeing Board held on. Also to consider matters arising.
1. That the unrestricted minutes of the Health and Wellbeing Board from 26 July 2017 be agreed and signed by the Chair as a correct record of proceedings subject to Chris Banks being included in the Membership and attendees to the meeting.
Matters Arising · The suicide prevention plan was planned for the November not September meeting.
Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests To note any declarations of interest made by members of the Board. (See attached note of Monitoring Officer).
Minutes: There were no Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests.
Minutes: The Forward Plan was noted.
Health and Wellbeing Board Strategy 2017-20: delivering the Boards priorities - progress update: |
Children: Healthy Weight and Nutrition Minutes: Councillor Amy Whitelock Gibbs, introduced the discussion on the Board priority ‘Children: Healthy Weight and Nutrition’.
The Board were shown a PowerPoint presentation which covered a number of issues including: · Levels of obesity in children of different school ages. · Environmental causes of obesity · Existing solutions and support such as the health schools programme and the School health service
The presentation then looked at proposed actions including: · Targeting governors as health champions · Providing information to parents on what schools are doing to support healthy eating.
The Board were also provided with specific case studies on successful projects in this area such as the ‘Health Mile’ initiative and the setting up of Food Co-ops in schools.
The Board welcomed the update and discussed the presentations.
In respect of the Daily Mile the Board explored how many schools in the Borough were using this approach and how health benefits were being assessed. It was noted that schools had also reported benefits to behaviour and in reduced use of inhalers by asthmatic children.
In respect of the Food Co-operative case study the Board discussed how this sort of initiative could be expanded to cover more schools such as using parent or governor champions. Related to this it was noted that the Council were aware of the need to encourage schools to open up facilities to community use outside of school hours.
Somen Banerjee, Director of Public Health, highlighted that scaling up projects such as the Food Co-Op was just the sort of thing the Tower Hamlets Health Communities programme was all about.
1. To note the presentation.
Communities Driving Change Minutes: The Board received a presentation on its ‘Communities Driving Change’ priority. It was noted that funding arrangements would need to change as the Vanguard funding was coming to an end.
The presentation began by discussing the Social Movement for Life programme. The Board were shown activities to date as well as those planned for the future which included training, and the delivery of community led projects. Progress by the different area groups were also set out.
Looking at challenges it was noted that there was a limited time to delivery projects and cross-Council collaboration needed to be expanded. Training people in the community to be researchers in the Community Insight Network was also seen as key.
It was also agreed that it was important for the Board itself to be more visible and officers agreed to look to take future meetings of the Board out into the community.
The presentation then moved on to discuss the recent community engagement event at Victoria Pack. It was noted that: · The weather had proved challenging but that it had been a good event. · Lots of service providers attended. · The Barts and Royal London maternity teams helping to raise awareness of the services they were offering. · General feedback was that these events work well when lots of service providers are in attendance, as in this case. · It was important to think about how to make use of all the feedback received.
Finally the Board were provided feedback on the Tower Hamlets Together User and Stakeholder Focus work and on Making Every Contact Count.
The Board welcomed the presentation and discussed the issues. In particular how to make projects sustainable once Vanguard funding ran out.
During discussion the Board also explored the extent to which it was possible to track patients through different contacts to monitor the impact of different interventions.
Finally the Board noted that it was important to look at publically celebrating some of the successes of the work covered in the presentation.
1. To note the report </AI8> <AI9>
Employment and Health Minutes: Somen Banerjee, Director of Public Health, introduced a presentation on the ‘Employment and Health’ Board priority.
The presentation looked at a number of areas including: · How Social Prescribing had been rolled out across the Borough in December 2016 and that 22% of those assessed needed learning, training and employment support. · The many barriers to work including health, disability, ex-offenders, ex-care system and ex-forces individuals. · Links with the Council’s new Workpath programme were being created. · Progress on the Central London Forward programme which covered 12 London Boroughs. The City of London was looking to procure providers on behalf of the whole programme. o It was noted that it was important to help shape the specification and for service providers to engage with the process. · The London Health Workplace Charter, which had been signed by Tower Hamlets Council as well as Barts Health and the NHS Tower Hamlets CCG. It was important to take this to other organisations to encourage their participation. · Mental Health First Aid. Members were encouraged to email Somen Banerjee if they needed contacts for trainers. It was noted that going through the training would often also help the mental wellbeing of the trainees.
The Board welcomed the presentation and discussed its content. They noted that it was important to ensure that partners were aware of provisions such as Workpath and that they had contact information to provide to service users. It was agreed that a future presentation would be provided on how volunteering fitted in with services such as Workpath.
It was noted that the Department for Work and Pensions had provided very positive feedback on the Borough’s work in this area.
1. To note the report.
Minutes: Marissa Ryan-Hernandez, Plan Making Team Leader, provided an update to the Board on the draft Local Plan including progress to date and the final steps to enable sign off of the final Plan in late 2018/ early 2019.
During discussion a number of points were raised including: · The Board welcomed the fact that the Local Plan had a particular health and wellbeing focus. · Ensuring the quality and not just the quantity of play spaces.
1. To note the presentation.
Better Care Fund 2017-19 Additional documents:
Minutes: Karen Sugars, Acting Divisional Director Integrated Commissioning, presented the report on the Better Care Fund 2017-2019. She explained that the Better Care Fund Plan had to be agreed by the Health and Wellbeing Board. She assured the Board that nothing proposed in the Plan was inconsistent with Board’s own priorities.
1. To approve the draft BCF plan and planning template for 2017-19, as set out in Appendices 1 and 2 to the report, subject to final amendments. 2. To agree that final sign-off of the documents should be delegated to the relevant Chief Officers of the CCG and the Council (Simon Hall, Acting Chief Officer, and Denise Radley, Corporate Director Health, Adults and Community). 3. To note that it is proposed to increase substantially the amount of money pooled through the BCF section 75 agreement. 4. To note the timetable for the submission of BCF plans, their scrutiny and moderation by NHS England and the finalisation of the associated Section 75 agreement, as set out in paragraph 2.11 of the report. 5. To agree that, in the event of the BCF plan and template needing to be amended and resubmitted, responsibility for overseeing its production should be delegated to the Joint Commissioning Executive, and that the final version will be submitted to the 7 November 2017 HWBB for formal ratification. 6. To note that the section 75 agreement will be submitted to council and CCG decision-making bodies for formal agreement as soon as practicable following the approval of the BCF plan by NHS England, and prior to the national deadline of 30 November 2017.
Final Adult Learning Disability Strategy Additional documents: Minutes: Carrie Kilpatrick, Deputy Director, Mental Health and Joint Commissioning, introduced the report on the final Adult Learning and Disability Strategy. She explained that, following CCG approval, it would be presented to Cabinet on 19 September 2017.
There was also to be a launch event on 11 October to which Board Members were invited.
Finally it was noted that an update report would be provided on the Strategy this time next year.
1. To agree the Adult Learning Disability Strategy
ANY OTHER BUSINESS To consider any other business the Chair considers to be urgent.
Minutes: Somen Banerjee, Director for Public Health, reported on the launch of the London Mayor’s Health Inequality Strategy. The report had noted that Tower Hamlets had the lowest healthy life expectancy in London but that the London Mayor’s priorities aligned well with the Board’s priorities.
There were a set of questions in the London Mayor’s strategy and it was proposed to co-ordinate a response from the Board.
On other matters it was noted that there was a meeting on 12 September 2017 regarding the Island Health Centre issue and all Members were welcome to attend.
DATE OF NEXT MEETING Minutes: The next meeting of the Board was to take place on Tuesday 7 November 2017 at 5.30pm.