Agenda and minutes
Venue: Committee Room C1, 1st Floor, Town Hall, Mulberry Place, 5 Clove Crescent, London, E14 2BG
Contact: Simmi Yesmin. Senior Democratic Services Officer Tel: 020 7364 4120, E-mail:
No. | Item |
APPOINTMENT OF VICE-CHAIR To receive nominations for the appointment of the Vice-Chair for the municipal year 2018-2019.
Minutes: The Chair, Councillor Zenith Rahman asked for nominations for the vice-chair and proposed Councillor Peter Golds for the position. This was seconded by Councillors Victoria Obaze and Sabina Akhtar. A second nomination was put forward for Councillor Shad Uddin Chowdhury, proposed by Councillor Tarik Khan and seconded by Councillors Ehtasham Haque and Faroque Ahmed. As the vote was tied the Chair asked the members of the committee to vote by the show of hands who they wished to elect for the position of Vice-Chair.
The Committee voted 6 votes to 3 in favour of Councillor Shad Uddin Chowdhury.
The Committee AGREED to elect Councillor Shad Uddin Chowdhury as vice-chair of the Licensing Committee.
DECLARATIONS OF DISCLOSABLE PECUNIARY INTEREST To note any declarations of interest made by Members, including those restricting Members from voting on the questions detailed in Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act, 1992. See attached note from the Monitoring Officer.
Minutes: There were no declarations of disclosable pecuniary interest.
MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING(S) To confirm the minutes of the meeting of the Licensing Committee held on 15th March 2018 as an accurate record of the proceedings.
Minutes: The minutes from the previous meeting were deferred to the next meeting.
Licensing Committee, Terms of Reference, Membership, and Quorum Additional documents: Minutes: Simmi Yesmin, Senior Committee Officer introduced the report and stated this report set out the Terms of Reference, Membership and Quorum of the Licensing Committee and the schedule of dates for the Municipal Year 2018/2019.
Miss Yesmin stated the report was for noting and drew Members attention to the schedule of dates stated at 3.3 of the report.
Members of the Licensing Committee NOTED
1. The terms of reference, Membership and Quorum as set out in Appendices 1 of the report.
Establishment of Licensing Sub Committees, Terms of Reference & Meeting Dates Additional documents: Minutes: Simmi Yesmin, Senior Committee Officer introduced the report and stated the report set out the Terms of Reference and meeting dates for the Licensing Sub-Committee for the Municipal Year 2018/2019.
Miss Yesmin stated the report was seeking to determine the number of Licensing Sub-Committee chairs and asked members to either nominate themselves or others for the position.
The following Members were put forward to be Chair for the Licensing Sub-Committees:
· Councillor Zenith Rahman · Councillor Shad Uddin Chowdhury · Councillor Tarik Khan · Councillor Peter Golds · Councillor Dan Tomlinson · Councillor Ehtasham Haque · Councillor Eve McQuillan · Councillor Sabina Akhtar
Members of the Licensing Committee NOTED
1. The Licensing Sub-Committee’s Terms of Reference and Schedule of meetings attached as Appendix 1 to the report.
2. Agreed to the establishment of Licensing Sub-Committees to determine applications where representations have been made; and
3. Determined how many Licensing Sub-Committee Chairs to appoint.
Additional documents:
Minutes: At the request of the Chair, Mr Lekan Olomo, Environmental Health and Safety Officer introduced the report which detailed the application for a Special Treatment Licence for Health and Beauty Centre, 1 Gunthorpe Street, London E1 7RG.
Mr Olomo informed Members the application was made on the 26th February 2018 by Mr Gary Bugby Appendix 1 – pages 35- 42 of the agenda. However as this was incomplete another application was submitted and the revised application can be found at Appendix 2 – pages 43-66 of the agenda pack.
A licence from the Council is required for the use of the premises as an establishment for special treatments and pages 69-72 Appendix 3 sets out the standard conditions that the Committee has in granting or refusing a licence –and Appendix 4 – pages 73-96 sets out the regulations for annual special treatment licences under section 10(1) of the London Local Authorities Act 1991.
All responsible authorities have been consulted and no objections have been received save from residents within the vicinity. The objections can be found at Appendices 5 to 9 – pages 99 to 127.
Mr Gary Bugby (the applicant) was present for the Committee meeting and was given the opportunity to present his case. He stated the application was made to operate the premises as a Massage and Beauty Centre and the objections related to the previous owners of the premises. He said his wife would be overseeing the business who was a qualified beauty therapist and the application should be considered on its merits. Mr Bugby apologised for the initial incomplete application however said that he lodged completed and signed documents when asked by the Health and Safety Officer.
Members of the Committee asked the following questions:
· Are all the documentation and qualification up to date? · What is your view in relation to the objections raised? How will you address the concerns of residents? · When did you take over the premises? · Will you be playing music? · It is clear the premises were improperly conducted in the past. Is there any connection between the current and previous owners? · Did you know the previous leaseholder? · How many therapists will be employed? · Has a risk assessment been conducted of the premises? · What are the proposed opening times for the premises? · This premise’s is very close to a primary school. Is the area residential? · What is the size of the premises? · Is this the first time that you’ll be running a business? · Page 32 states there is no waste contract in place. Have you made enquiries about the disposal of waste? · Do you have indemnity insurance in place? · Can you assure the committee the premises will only be used to provide massage only and will not be used inappropriately? · The application states that treatment will be given to both sexes. Will you be employing both male and female therapists? · Is a Level 3 NVQ the right level of qualification for a beauty therapist?
Following questioning from the Members, the ... view the full minutes text for item 4.3 |