Issue - meetings
Main Stream Grants 2015/18 Programme
Meeting: 29/07/2015 - Commissioners' Decision Making Meeting (Item 5.4)
5.4 Main Stream Grants 2015/18 Programme PDF 451 KB
Additional documents:
- Appendix A - MSG Rec, item 5.4
PDF 224 KB
- Appendix B - MSG Not Rec, item 5.4
PDF 297 KB
- Appendix C Budget, item 5.4
PDF 228 KB
- Appendix D1 to D5 Theme Info, item 5.4
PDF 171 KB
- Appendix E1 - Theme 1 - EA CYP FINAL, item 5.4
PDF 448 KB
- Appendix E1 - Theme 1 - MAP A - RA 2015, item 5.4
PDF 228 KB
- Appendix E1 - Theme 1 - MAP B - CL 2015, item 5.4
PDF 227 KB
- Appendix E1 - Theme 1 - MAP C - CEL 2015, item 5.4
PDF 234 KB
- Appendix E1 - Theme 1 - MAP D - VC 2015, item 5.4
PDF 228 KB
- Appendix E1 - Theme 1 - MAP E - Youth 2015, item 5.4
PDF 233 KB
- Appendix E2 - Theme 2 - EA JSP FINAL, item 5.4
PDF 160 KB
- Appendix E2 - Theme 2 - MAP A - ESA, item 5.4
- Appendix E2 - Theme 2 - MAP B - childrenlowincome, item 5.4
PDF 408 KB
- Appendix E2 - Theme 2 - MAP C Strand 1 Recommended Projects 2015, item 5.4
PDF 231 KB
- Appendix E2 - Theme 2 - MAP D - Strand 2 Recommended Projects 2015, item 5.4
PDF 231 KB
- Appendix E3 - Theme 3 - EA PHW FINAL, item 5.4
PDF 136 KB
- Appendix E3 - Theme 3 - MAP A - LC 2015, item 5.4
PDF 234 KB
- Appendix E3 - Theme 3 - MAP B - OlderPeople, item 5.4
PDF 191 KB
- Appendix E3 - Theme 3 - MAP C - PHW 2015, item 5.4
PDF 230 KB
- Appendix E3 - Theme 3 - MAP D - LLS 2015, item 5.4
PDF 232 KB
- Appendix E4 - Theme 4 - EA ThirdSector FINAL, item 5.4
- Appendix E5 - Theme 5 - EA CECR FINAL, item 5.4
- Appendix E5 - Theme 5 - MAP A IMD, item 5.4
PDF 419 KB
- Appendix E5 - Theme 5 - MAP B CECR 2015, item 5.4
PDF 234 KB
Chris Holme, Acting Corporate Director, Resources, introduced the report which concerned proposals for the Main Stream Grants Programme 2015/18. The funding recommendations had been derived following a rigorous 5 month process which involved significant consultation throughout the Third Sector. The grants programme valued at £3.2M per annum would be delivered over 3 years beginning September 2015. Awards would be made annually subject to monitoring by means of a process approved by the Council’s internal Audit and Risk Management Team. The total amount of grant awards proposed substantially committed the available resources.
Applications were appraised and closely scored according to agreed criteria to deliver an appropriate balance and spread of projects/services. 131 projects have been recommended for approval and Council resources protected though a payment by results process to ensure that projects which do not deliver outcomes will not continue to receive support.
Transcription errors were noted in respect of two named applications under Theme 2 (Jobs Skills and Prosperity); these would be accommodated out of the overall budget. Commissioners were therefore advised that the recommended award for project 7460 should be amended from £46,048 to £50,000; and the recommended award for project 7461 amended from £41,633 to £46,000.
The Chair informed all present that the proposals in the report would be discussed by Theme and asked attending Members to respond to these in accordance with the Theme under discussion.
Theme 1
Labour Councillors attending expressed a range of concerns regarding several projects which, in their view, did not fulfil some or many of their stated objectives. Officers responded to the concerns raised.
Councillor Golds also expressed a range of concerns regarding a number of projects which, in his view, did not fulfil some or many of their stated objectives. Officers responded to the concerns raised.
The Chair recommended that where appropriate, individual matters of concern should be taken up by Members with relevant budget holders
Commissioners enquired
- whether the decision not to award Bethnal Green Sharks would prejudice their Olympic legacy funding
- whether all applications relating to the community languages strand ensured that children would progress along the same EEL pathway.
- Whether the 62 organisations which had received a significant reduction in funding had been advised of the rationale for the reduction
Officers responded to the enquiries.
Responding to the concerns raised regarding unsuccessful applications, Commissioners clarified that MSG budget was set by the Council and was subject to financial constraints. Failure to achieve an award was not an indication of unworthiness.
Commissioners approved the recommendations in the report relating to this Theme and also recommended that:
- Concerns regarding the geographical range of projects should not be addressed using a post-award method but as part of negotiations of the principle contract. If the required range of provision cannot be demonstrated, then the decision must be returned to Commissioners to be reconsidered.
- The payment by results scheme be pursued according to service level agreements to avoid claw back situations.
- Toyhouse Library’s application be re-examined
- Officers investigate how Bethnal Green Sharks ... view the full decision text for item 5.4