Issue - meetings
Scrutiny Review: Improving Cycling Safety
Meeting: 26/10/2016 - Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 12)
12 Progress update on Cycling Safety challenge session PDF 143 KB
Additional documents:
Margaret Cooper the Councils Head of Transport & Highways presented the report that provided a follow up from the scrutiny challenge session on improving cycling safety. That report and its recommendations had been agreed by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee in April 2015. An action plan had been developed to address the recommendations and the report and accompanying action plan had then been endorsed by Cabinet in November 2015. It was noted that this report reviews the progress against the original recommendations. The main point of the discussion maybe summarised as follows.
The Committee:
· Noted there are ongoing discussions with residents and ward members regarding the London Cycling Campaigns’ proposal to keep the road to the south of Victoria Park open for longer and to explore ways to influence the parks statutory opening hours. This would require a detailed feasibility study into the costs and benefits of providing secure after dark cycle route within the southern perimeter of the park to allow for there to be an informed judgement e.g. the proposal is feasible in terms of costs and risks;
· Noted that it presented a significant challenge for the Parks Management as there needs to be proper lighting and for a cycle path physically separated from the rest of the park and how this will be managed;
· Consideration needs to be given to issues of dangerous driving at particular road junctions;
· How the shared use of the Greenwich Foot Tunnel; the proposed Rotherhithe Pedestrian and Cycle Bridge and other newly established or proposed routes;
· Noted that a dialogue needs to be undertaken with Registered Social Landlords on the provision of facilities on those estates that they manage e.g. cycle storage;
· Noted that LBTH is working with the MPS on addressing driver behaviour e.g. speeding;
· Noted that a scheme is being worked up for introduction on the Isle of Dogs with the aim of providing shared routes and access through local estates;
· Noted that LBTH have provided a Speed Gun for projects involving the MPS; local schools and communities; and
· Noted the need to raise awareness about the importance of protecting cyclists and pedestrians.
Meeting: 03/11/2015 - Cabinet (Item 5)
5 Scrutiny Review: Improving Cycle Safety PDF 91 KB
Additional documents:
- 5.5b App1 Improving Cycling Safety, item 5
PDF 183 KB
- 5.5c Appendix 2 - LCC Ward Asks, item 5
- 5.5d App3 Action Plan - Improving Cycling Safety, item 5
- Webcast for Scrutiny Review: Improving Cycle Safety
- To consider this report of the scrutiny working group and agree the action plan in response to the challenge session recommendations.
Action by:
Councillor John Pierce, Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee introduced the report. He reported that the review came out of pledges that Councillors had signed in 2014 to support cycling. He requested that the report’s recommendations be agreed.
Councillor Ayas Miah, Cabinet Member for Environment, welcomed the report and in particular its potential positive health impacts and improving commuting options.
In response to questions raised during discussion officers reported that:
· An Overview and Scrutiny Committee session was planned for January looking at issues around enforcing the 20mph speed limits and options around traffic calming and publicity.
· There had been over 300 replies to the cycle strategy consultation which demonstrated a good level of community engagement.
· Issues around cycle parking were being examined.
The Mayor welcomed the report, noted the issues raised and agreed the recommendation as set out in the report.
- To consider this report of the scrutiny working group and agree the action plan in response to the challenge session recommendations.