Issue - meetings
Medium Term Financial Plan Update
Meeting: 07/01/2015 - Cabinet - Expired (Item 5)
(Under provisions of Article 6 Para 6.02 V of the Constitution).
Additional documents:
The Call-In reference report from the Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting held on Tuesday 7 January 2015 was tabled.
1. That the original decision taken at Cabinet on 3 December 2014 be confirmed.
The Call-In reference report from the Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting held on Tuesday 7 January 2015 was tabled.
1. That the original decision taken at Cabinet on 3 December 2014 be confirmed.
Meeting: 06/01/2015 - Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 5)
Additional documents:
- Appendix 1 - “Call In” Requisition, item 5
- Appendix 2a - Cabinet Report Medium Term Financial Plan 3rd December 2014, item 5
- Appendix 2b - Cabinet Report Medium Term Financial Plan 3rd December 2014, item 5
PDF 361 KB
The Committee received and noted that the Medium Term Financial Plan report, including proposed financial savings for 2015/16 had been considered by the Mayor in Cabinet on 3rd December 2014 and had then “Called In” by Councillors Rachael Saunders, Shiria Khatun, Ayas Miah, Rachel Blake and Khales Uddin Ahmed. This was in accordance with the provisions of rule 16 of the Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rules in Part 4 of the Council’s Constitution.
The Call-in requisition signed by the five Councillors listed above gave the following reasons for the Call-in:
· The proposed cut of £800,000 from the budget threatens to have a severe impact on the service provided and, as such, further consultation is vitally important.
· This call-in will give the Mayor the opportunity to re-examine, consider and consult on the proposal to reconfigure sexual health services in the borough.
In addition to the business papers presented to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, the Committee also considered:
1. The views and comments made by Councillor Rachael Saunders in presenting the call-in;
2. The information provided by Councillor Alibor Choudhury Cabinet Member for Resources and Councillor Abdul Asad Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Services;
3. The information provided by Robert McCulloch-Graham, Corporate Director Education, Social Care and Wellbeing, Dr Somen Banerjee, Interim Director Public Health and Chris Lovitt, Assistant Director Public Health.
4. A representation by Dr Vanessa Apea, Consultant Physician GUM/HIV, Barts Health NHS Trust; Teresa Battison (Network Manager, NELNET - London sexual health and HIV clinical network); and Mark Santos, Director, Positive East regarding the Savings Proposals.
Councillor Rachael Saunders gave a presentation to the Committee outlining the reasons for the Call In and the concerns highlighted. Councillor Saunders then responded to questions from the Committee. Councillor Alibor Choudhury; Councillor Abdul Asad; Robert McCulloch-Graham; Dr Somen Banerjee and Chris Lovitt then responded to concerns raised. Their responses to questions raised are summarised below:
The Committee:
• Recognised the principle of reducing demand on acute services by better utilising primary care, but noted concerns from professionals about the feasibility of effecting behavioural change in the numbers of users necessary to achieve the savings, given the needs and preferences of these groups.
• Expressed concern at the consultation that had been undertaken with professionals, who were not aware of the extent of the savings proposed at the time.
• Noted that there had been an approximately 30% increase in cost and activity of acute GUM services paid for by GUM PBR tariff since transfer of commissioning responsibilities to the council in April 2013 (12/13) and projected cost for year end 14/15 - This however has not been reflected in a commensurate increase in the Public Health Grant from the Department of Health which creates ongoing and significant cost pressure on other areas of the public health grant due to this increase in activity and cost.
• Noted that savings are based on seeking to reduce the increasing demand on acute/specialist services through prevention and reconfiguration of those services within the ... view the full minutes text for item 5
Meeting: 03/12/2014 - Cabinet - Expired (Item 10)
10 Medium Term Financial Plan Update PDF 88 KB
Additional documents:
1. To note the changes to the draft budget position for 2015/16;
2. To agree the package of savings proposals for 2015/16 detailed in Appendix 1 to the report, taking into account the equality analyses set out in Appendix 2;
3. To agree that further business case refinement and consultation can be carried out on the proposals where necessary;
4. To consider the responses to consultation on savings proposals set out in Section 10 and included, as appropriate, in equality analyses;
5. To note the early indications of the financial position 2016/17 onwards, subject to the Autumn Statement and Local Government Finance Settlement;
6. To note that the financial position is subject to volatility and that developments in Government policy and their implications on MTFP planning assumptions will be monitored closely and reported back at regular intervals.
Action by:
Councillor Alibor Choudhury, Cabinet Member for Resources, introduced the report. He highlighted the significant savings targets required of the Council and the consequent savings proposals contained in the report. Looking at the report in more detail he highlighted a number of points including:
· The principles of looking to protect the vulnerable and to create a lean and flexible Council.
· The Equality Impact Assessments provided in relation to the savings proposals.
· The extended consultation process, including meetings and user group events that had taken place and that over 450 surveys had been completed.
· The useful discussion session held with Overview and Scrutiny (OSC) Members and that there were more meetings with OSC Members planned.
· That the Mayor had stated the nursery proposal was not going to proceed and that other proposals were also being reviewed.
· The risks as set out in the report.
During discussion Councillor Alibor Choudhury stressed that the reports were draft proposals and so where Members had concerns, such as in relation to recycling education, these could be addressed.
The Mayor agreed the recommendations as set out in the report.
1. To note the changes to the draft budget position for 2015/16;
2. To agree the package of savings proposals for 2015/16 detailed in Appendix 1 to the report, taking into account the equality analyses set out in Appendix 2;
3. To agree that further business case refinement and consultation can be carried out on the proposals where necessary;
4. To consider the responses to consultation on savings proposals set out in Section 10 and included, as appropriate, in equality analyses;
5. To note the early indications of the financial position 2016/17 onwards, subject to the Autumn Statement and Local Government Finance Settlement;
6. To note that the financial position is subject to volatility and that developments in Government policy and their implications on MTFP planning assumptions will be monitored closely and reported back at regular intervals.