Issue - meetings
Budget Implementation (No 2) 2013/14
Meeting: 17/04/2013 - Mayor's Executive Decision Making (Item 1.)
1. Budget Implementation (No 2) 2013/14 PDF 157 KB
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Meeting: 09/04/2013 - Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 5)
5 Budget Implementation (No 2) 2013/14 PDF 149 KB
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Please note that the order of business was varied by resolution of the OSC earlier in the proceedings in order to allow this item of business to be taken as the first item of substantive business, however for ease of reference OSC deliberations, and subsequent decisions taken, are set out below in the order detailed in the agenda.
Please note that composite “Special Circumstances and Reasons for Urgency” were agreed for this “Call In” at agenda item 5 above.
The Chair welcomed: Councillor Carlo Gibbs, one of seven Councillors who had “Called In” decision of the Mayor outside Cabinet (Decision Log Number 022 “Budget Implementation 2013/14 (No 2)” in accordance with the provisions of Part 4 of the Council’s Constitution. Also Councillor Alibor Choudhury, Cabinet Member for Resources, and Mr Chris Holme Acting Corporate Director Resources, who were in attendance to respond to the “Call-in”.
Councillor Carlo Gibbs presented the “Call-in”: summarising the reasons for “calling in” the Mayoral Decision, outlining the key concerns of the “Call-in” Members, and setting out the action sought from the OSC to address these. He also highlighted the additional point that the Head of Paid Service had not signed off this Mayoral Decision in contrast to the Mayoral Decision for virements to fund East End Life.
He subsequently responded to questions from the OSC as follows:
· The rationale for “Call-in” Members considering that the Mayoral Decision outside the Budget Framework set by full Council. Clarified that the full Council had little control over the actions of the executive Mayor, but setting of the Budget and Policy Framework (BPF) was a matter reserved to it. It set the Authority’s Budget every year, and had done so in March 2013. At that meeting an amendment to the Mayor’s proposed Budget, had been passed by a two thirds majority, resulting in the funding for mayoral advisors not being included in the Budget Framework. The Mayor had now vired money from reserves in order to put the resources for these back into the Budget Framework, and this contravened/ reversed the full Council decision. The OSC should request Officers to advise on this.
· The stage at which the advice of the Chief Officers would be sought in relation to whether the Mayoral Decision was outside the BPF and whether it was key or non-key.
· Had the work undertaken by the mayoral advisors been identified and an assessment made of its value to the Authority. If the work undertaken by them was unknown, how could a judgement be made as to value for money and the impact of cutting the budget for this; had an impact assessment been done. Had the Executive been asked for the expenditure figure for the advisors, had the supporting documentation been requested. Clarified that the work the advisors undertook was unknown, and without seeing the output or it being detailed, it was difficult to assess; it would be helpful to establish this and Councillor Choudhury may be able to provide details. Impact assessments had been ... view the full minutes text for item 5
Meeting: 26/03/2013 - Mayor's Executive Decision Making (Item 1.)
1. Budget Implementation 2013/14 (No 2) PDF 99 KB