Decision details
Neighbourhood Planning: Determination of Roman Road Bow Neighbourhood Forum Redesignation Application
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: No
Neighbourhood forum designations expire five
years after they are initially granted. The Roman Road Bow
Neighbourhood Forum designation expired on 16 August 2022. The
Forum submitted an application in August 2022, which was refused by
the Mayor in Cabinet on 21 June 2023 on the basis that the
membership of the Forum was not considered to be representative of
the population of the area. The Forum submitted a new application
for redesignation on 5 April 2024, after working to address the
reason for refusal by broadening the Forum’s membership and
changing the executive committee
1. Defer the decision on the redesignation of the Roman Road Bow Neighbourhood Forum as the designated neighbourhood forum for the Roman Road Bow Neighbourhood Planning Area, pending resolution of concerns regarding community representation on the Neighbourhood Forum’s membership and management committee.
2. Delegate authority to the Corporate Director Housing and Regeneration, in consultation with the Lead Member and Mayor, to determine the redesignation application.
Action by:
Corporate Director Housing and Regeneration (D. Joyce)
Planning Officer (M. Acton-Filion)
Report author: Marissa Ryan-Hernandez, Marc Acton-Filion
Publication date: 29/11/2024
Date of decision: 27/11/2024
Decided at meeting: 27/11/2024 - Cabinet
Accompanying Documents:
- Neighbourhood Planning: Determination of Roman Road Bow Neighbourhood Forum Redesignation Application
PDF 390 KB
- Appendix. 1: Neighbourhood Forum Application Form
PDF 538 KB
- Appendix. 2 Neighbourhood Forum Area Map
PDF 393 KB
- Appendix. 3: Neighbourhood Forum Constitution
PDF 267 KB
- Appendix. 4: Equalities Impact Assessment Screening
PDF 281 KB