Constituency spacer HC Constituency No. (Map) Area Ward Estates C&PT lead officer C&PT Support officer/Assistance NP&I lead officer RSL Partner HC Status Housing Choice Stage Progress Indicator Last Completed Stg 2 MS Last Completed Stg2 Milestone MS for Cabinet MS for Cabinet Text Next MS Next Target Milestone  No of Tenanted Homes_Apr05   No of Leasehold Homes_Apr05   No of dwellings_Apr05   Deferred / Special issues   ESG leafleted   ESG Formed   Resident Priorities Researched   RSLs Shortlisted   RSL Selected   Handover to Stage 3 completed   Ballot completed   HA URL for Web   Residents Website   For WebPublishing   Transfer completed   Tenants   L/holders   Total no of properties  2006-2016 SCS Costs + prelims & fees
St. Peters 7 55 BG Bethnal Green North St Peters         Pending In ALMO Bid 1.1 Estate(s) Leafleted 0.0 ESG Formation Deferred 0.0 Not Applicable         111           50         161  þ                                       109                  52                161 ########
Wellington 6 58 BG Bethnal Green North Wellington Gloria Prescod       In - pre ballot In ALMO Bid 6.0 Stage 2 is completed 4.7 RSL Partner selected - Estates now in Stage 3   Not Applicable         236           88         324  þ   þ   þ   þ   þ   þ   þ                           228                  96                324 ########
Teesdale 7 56 BG Bethnal Green North Teesdale Gloria Prescod       Pending In ALMO Bid 6.0 Stage 2 is completed 0.0 ESG Progress Deferred   Not Applicable         205         181         386    þ   þ   þ   þ   þ   þ                           202                183                385 ########
Mansford 2 50 BG Bethnal Green North Mansford Gloria Prescod   Julia Farr THCH In - post ballot Transfer completed 6.0 Stage 2 is completed 5.0 Ballot Completed   Not Applicable         380         320         700    þ   þ   þ   þ   þ   þ   þ                       373                317                690  
Dinmont 5 45 BG Bethnal Green North Dinmont Gloria Prescod   Sabaj Uddin Spitalfields In - pre ballot Voted for Transfer -Post Ballot - Preparing for transfer 6.0 Stage 2 is completed 4.7 RSL Partner selected - Estates now in Stage 3   Not Applicable           52           54         106    þ   þ   þ   þ   þ   þ                             52                  54                106 ########
Parkview&Approach 3 34, 53 BG Bethnal Green North/Berhnal Green South Approach/       Parkview Farida Ahmed Rosemary Vincent Raj Kerai Old Ford HA In - pre ballot Stage 1 Formal Consultation completed 6.0 Stage 2 is completed 4.7 RSL Partner selected - Estates now in Stage 3   Not Applicable         387         264         651    þ   þ   þ   þ   þ   þ                     387                264                651 ########
Bancroft 7 36 BG Bethnal Green South Bancroft         Pending In ALMO Bid 0.0 Not Applicable 0.0 ESG Progress Deferred 0.0 Not Applicable         351         210         561  þ   þ   þ   þ   þ                               344                218                562 ########
Christchurch 7 39 BG Bethnal Green South Christchurch Louis Rotsos       Pending In ALMO Bid 4.3 Site visits to Social Landlords 0.0 ESG Progress Deferred 0.0 Not Applicable         100           88         188  þ   þ   þ   þ   þ                                 95                  93                188 ########
Withy House TMO 6 59 BG Bethnal Green South Withy House Abu Islam   TBC   In - pre ballot In ALMO Bid 6.0 Stage 2 is completed 4.7 RSL Partner selected - Estates now in Stage 3   Not Applicable           53           27           80    þ   þ   þ   þ   þ   þ                             53                  27                  80 ########
Collingwood   41 BG Bethnal Green South Collingwood           In ALMO Bid                                                          477                399                876 ########
Horwood   47 BG Bethnal Green South Horwood           In ALMO Bid                                                          134                113                247 ########
Cleveland 5 40 BG Bethnal Green South Cleveland   Mary Olsen TBC   In - pre ballot Voted No after ALMO bid was submitted 6.0 Stage 2 is completed 4.7 RSL Partner selected - Estates now in Stage 3   Not Applicable         154         129         283    þ   þ   þ   þ   þ   þ                       155                127                282 ########
Longnor Norfolk and Osier 8 52 BG Bethnal Green South/Mile End & Globetown Longnor Norfolk and Osier George Moutoussis   Darren Price   Other Option In ALMO Bid 6.0 Stage 2 is completed 0.0 Balloted against transfer   Not Applicable         302         237         539  þ   þ   þ   þ   þ   þ   þ   þ                       307                232                539 ########
Cranbrook 8 42 BG Mile End & Globetown Cranbrook Farida Ahmed Mary Olsen Raj Kerai   Other Option In ALMO Bid 6.0 Stage 2 is completed 0.0 Balloted against transfer   Not Applicable         362         172         534  þ   þ   þ   þ   þ   þ   þ   þ                       366                168                534 ########
Digby Greenways 5 43, 44 BG Mile End & Globetown Digby and Greenways George Moutoussis     William Sutton HT In - pre ballot Informal consultation & preparing formal consultation documents  6.0 Stage 2 is completed 4.7 RSL Partner selected - Estates now in Stage 3   Not Applicable         456         296         752    þ   þ   þ   þ   þ   þ                           456                296                752 ########
Globe Town (Formerly Rogers) 4 54 BG Mile End & Globetown Bethnal Green Estate, Brierly Gardens, Burnham Estate, Rogers Estate & Victoria Park Square Mary Olsen   Jen Pepper Swan In - pre ballot Stage 1 Formal Consultation completed 6.0 Stage 2 is completed 4.7 RSL Partner selected - Estates now in Stage 3   Not Applicable         406         305         711    þ   þ   þ   þ   þ   þ                       406                305                711 ########
Chicksand East (Remainder) 7 38 BG Spitalfields & Banglatown Chicksand East (Other) Louis Rotsos Rosemary Vincent     In - pre partner In ALMO Bid 4.5 Formal RSL selection interviews held 4.5 Formal RSL selection interviews held 0.0 To be determined         115           77         192  þ   þ   þ   þ   þ                                 94                  96                190 ########
Chicksand East (Pauline, Hanbury & Davenant) 6 38 BG Spitalfields & Banglatown Chicksand East (DHP) Louis Rotsos Rosemary Vincent   Spitalfields In - pre ballot Informal consultation & preparing formal consultation documents  6.0 Stage 2 is completed 4.7 RSL Partner selected - Estates now in Stage 3   Not Applicable         130           57         187  þ   þ   þ   þ   þ   þ   þ                           130                  57                187 ########
Holland 4 49 BG Spitalfields & Banglatown Holland Louis Rotsos Faizul Islam TBC EastendHomes In - pre ballot Transfer completed 6.0 Stage 2 is completed 4.7 RSL Partner selected - Estates now in Stage 3   Not Applicable         202         202         404    þ   þ   þ   þ   þ   þ                       186                215                401  
Chicksand West 2 38 BG Spitalfields & Banglatown Chicksand West Faizul Islam Asad Jaman Femi Apata EastendHomes In - post ballot Voted for Transfer -Post Ballot - Preparing for transfer 6.0 Stage 2 is completed 5.0 Ballot Completed   Not Applicable         121         126         247    þ   þ   þ   þ   þ   þ   þ                       121                126                247 ########
Granby-Hereford 8 48 BG Weavers Granby Hereford Peter McGeary   Julia Farr   Other Option In ALMO Bid 6.0 Stage 2 is completed 0.0 Balloted against transfer   Not Applicable         327         144         471  þ   þ   þ   þ   þ   þ   þ   þ                       330                141                471 ########
Avebury 5 35, 87 BG Weavers Avebury East And Avebury West Peter McGeary Abu Islam Julia Farr Swan In - pre ballot Formal Consultation documents signed off 6.0 Stage 2 is completed 4.7 RSL Partner selected - Estates now in Stage 3   Not Applicable         508         238         746    þ   þ   þ   þ   þ   þ                       508                238                746 ########
Columbia 3 46, 51, 57 BG Weavers Dorset, Gascoigne/Virginia, Newling Peter McGeary Tahmina Begum Sabaj Uddin Guinness In - pre ballot Stage 1 Formal Consultation completed 6.0 Stage 2 is completed 4.7 RSL Partner selected - Estates now in Stage 3   Not Applicable         645         352         997    þ   þ   þ   þ   þ   þ                       645                352                997 ########
Boundary 6 37 BG Weavers Boundary Peter McGeary Foruk Rabani Jo Dowle Southern Housing Group  In - pre ballot Voted No after ALMO bid was submitted 6.0 Stage 2 is completed 4.7 RSL Partner selected - Estates now in Stage 3   Not Applicable         324         204         528    þ   þ   þ   þ   þ   þ                       314                215                529 ########
Hewison Street Flats 6 86 BOW/NP Bow East Hewison St Flats Carol Farnum     Old Ford HA In - pre ballot In ALMO Bid 6.0 Stage 2 is completed 4.7 RSL Partner selected - Estates now in Stage 3   Not Applicable           -             40           40  þ   þ   þ   þ   þ   þ   þ                       -                    40                  40 £236,620
Libra Parnell 6 18, 31 BOW/NP Bow East Libra Parnell       Old Ford HA In - pre ballot Informal consultation & preparing formal consultation documents  6.0 Stage 2 is completed 4.7 RSL Partner selected - Estates now in Stage 3   Not Applicable         107           49         156    þ   þ   þ   þ   þ                             107                  49                156 ########
St. Stephens 6 18, 31 BOW/NP Bow East/Bow West St Stephens Carol Farnum     Old Ford HA In - pre ballot Informal consultation & preparing formal consultation documents  6.0 Stage 2 is completed 4.7 RSL Partner selected - Estates now in Stage 3   Not Applicable         413         262         675    þ   þ   þ   þ   þ                             413                262                675 ########
Alfred-Malmesbury 5 17 BOW/NP Bow East/Bow West Malmesbury Alfred Estates Mary Olsen   Jen Pepper Old Ford HA In - pre ballot Voted No after ALMO bid was submitted 6.0 Stage 2 is completed 4.7 RSL Partner selected - Estates now in Stage 3   Not Applicable         492         332         824    þ   þ   þ   þ   þ   þ  #REF!                  492                332                824 ########
Parkside 2 25, 28, 29, 30 BOW/NP Bow East/Bow West Ranwell East, Ranwell West, Lakeview, Lanfranc, Locton Farida Ahmed Rosemary Vincent, Tahmina Begum Jen Pepper Old Ford HA In - post ballot Voted for Transfer -Post Ballot - Preparing for transfer 6.0 Stage 2 is completed 5.0 Ballot Completed   Not Applicable      1,618         671      2,289    þ   þ   þ   þ   þ   þ   þ                  1,618                671              2,289 ########
Rosebank Gardens 7 31 BOW/NP Bow West Rosebank Gardens         Pending In ALMO Bid 0.0 Not Applicable 0.0 ESG Formation Deferred 0.0 Not Applicable           38           37           75  þ                                         38                  37                  75 ########
Dennis CHC (Bracken House) 7 33 BOW/NP Bromley by Bow Dennis CHC Louis Rotsos       In - pre partner In ALMO Bid 1.6 R/ESG Set-up (constituted) 1.6 R/ESG Set-up (constituted) 2.1 R/ESG agrees Stage 2 Consultation Programme           40           35           75  þ   þ   þ                                     39                  36                  75 ########
Lincoln 8 27 BOW/NP Bromley by Bow Lincoln George Moutoussis   Darren Price   Other Option In ALMO Bid 6.0 Stage 2 is completed 0.0 Balloted against transfer   Not Applicable         214         104         318  þ   þ   þ   þ   þ   þ   þ   þ                       199                107                306 ########
Coventry Cross West 5 22 BOW/NP Bromley by Bow Coventry Cross West George Moutoussis Abu Islam Lloyd Morris Poplar HARCA In - pre ballot Informal consultation & preparing formal consultation documents  6.0 Stage 2 is completed 4.7 RSL Partner selected - Estates now in Stage 3   Not Applicable         101           56         157    þ   þ   þ   þ   þ   þ                       101                  56                157 ########
Crossways 1 32 BOW/NP Bromley by Bow Crossways     Niall McGowan / Robin Sager Swan Completed Transfer completed 6.0 Stage 2 is completed 6.0 Transfer completed   Not Applicable         258          40         298    þ   þ   þ   þ   þ   þ   þ     þ                 258                  40                298  
Bow Bridge 4 20 BOW/NP Bromley by Bow Bow Bridge Carol Farnum   Darren Price Poplar HARCA In - pre ballot Transfer completed 6.0 Stage 2 is completed 4.7 RSL Partner selected - Estates now in Stage 3   Not Applicable         231           66         297    þ   þ   þ   þ   þ   þ                       231                  66                297  
Devons 4 23 BOW/NP Bromley by Bow Devons Farida Ahmed Gloria Prescod Darren Price Poplar HARCA In - pre ballot Transfer completed 6.0 Stage 2 is completed 4.7 RSL Partner selected - Estates now in Stage 3   Not Applicable         410         214         624    þ   þ   þ   þ   þ   þ                       410                214                624  
Mile End East 1 19, 21, 24 BOW/NP Mile End East Bede, British Street, Eric/Treby       EastendHomes Completed Transfer completed 6.0 Stage 2 is completed 6.0 Transfer completed   Not Applicable         944         531      1,475    þ   þ   þ   þ   þ   þ   þ       þ                 944                533              1,477  
Leopold-Burdett 1 26, 88 BOW/NP Mile End East East Leopold, West Leopold/Burdett Rosemary Vincent   Lloyd Morris Poplar HARCA Completed Transfer completed 6.0 Stage 2 is completed 6.0 Transfer completed   Not Applicable         411         127         538    þ   þ   þ   þ   þ   þ   þ     þ                 406                130                536  
Bazely/St Mathias    4 IOD/SP Blackwall & Cubitt Town SPLASH estate           In ALMO Bid                                                          263                201                464 ########
Robin Hood Gardens   82 IOD/SP Blackwall & Cubitt Town SPLASH estate           In ALMO Bid but also subject to options study for regeneration with English Partnerships                                                          203                  34                237 ########
Lansbury 2 8 IOD/SP East India & Lansbury Lansbury Estate Carol Farnum   Femi Apata Poplar HARCA In - post ballot Transfer completed 6.0 Stage 2 is completed 5.0 Ballot Completed   Not Applicable         612         269         881    þ   þ   þ   þ   þ   þ   þ                     606                273                879  
East India 5 1, 6, 11 IOD/SP East India & Lansbury Aberfeldy, Brownfield, Teviot Louis Rotsos   Lloyd Morris Poplar HARCA In - pre ballot Voted for Transfer -Post Ballot - Preparing for transfer 6.0 Stage 2 is completed 4.7 RSL Partner selected - Estates now in Stage 3   Not Applicable         663         279         942    þ   þ   þ   þ   þ   þ                       663                279                942 ########
Birchfield House TMO 8 14 IOD/SP Limehouse Birchfield Co-op Asad Jaman       Other Option In ALMO Bid 0.0 Not Applicable 0.0 The Co-op is looking at developing its own ability to take over the freehold of the block. 0.0 Not Applicable             8           16           24  þ                                           8                  16                  24 £651,411
Roche 6 83 IOD/SP Limehouse Roche Estate Faizul Islam   Darren Price BGVPHA In - pre ballot In ALMO Bid 6.0 Stage 2 is completed 4.7 RSL Partner selected - Estates now in Stage 3   Not Applicable         178           82         260    þ   þ   þ   þ   þ   þ                       171                  89                260 ########
Barleymow 8 3 IOD/SP Limehouse Barleymow Estate Carol Farnum   Raj Kerai   Other Option In ALMO Bid 6.0 Stage 2 is completed 0.0 Balloted against transfer   Not Applicable         172         117         289  þ   þ   þ   þ   þ   þ   þ   þ                       169                120                289 ########
Birchfield 5 5 IOD/SP Limehouse Birchfield Estate Carol Farnum   Raj Kerai Swan In - pre ballot Informal consultation & preparing formal consultation documents  6.0 Stage 2 is completed 4.7 RSL Partner selected - Estates now in Stage 3   Not Applicable         238         112         350    þ   þ   þ   þ   þ   þ                       238                112                350 ########
Locksley 6 16 IOD/SP Limehouse Locksley Louis Rotsos Rosemary Vincent Sabaj Uddin   In - pre ballot Voted No after ALMO bid was submitted 6.0 Stage 2 is completed 4.7 RSL Partner selected - Estates now in Stage 3   Not Applicable         425         234         659    þ   þ   þ   þ   þ   þ                       432                228                660 ########
Will Crooks    12 IOD/SP Limehouse/Blackwall & Cubitt Town SPLASH estate           In ALMO Bid                                                          207                142                349 ########
Isle of Dogs (EastEnd Homes) 1 7, 84, 85 IOD/SP Millwall/Blackwall & Cubitt Town  Westferry, Cubitt Town, Island Gardens Asad Jaman Rosemary Vincent Julia Farr EastendHomes Completed Transfer completed 6.0 Stage 2 is completed 6.0 Transfer completed   Not Applicable         552         281         833    þ   þ   þ   þ   þ   þ   þ       þ                 542                288                830  
Isle of Dogs (Toynbee) 1 2, 9, 10, 81 IOD/SP Millwall/Blackwall & Cubitt Town  Barkantine, St Johns, Millwall (Kingsbridge), Samuda George Moutoussis Abu Islam Lloyd Morris Toynbee Completed Transfer completed 6.0 Stage 2 is completed 6.0 Transfer completed   Not Applicable      1,267         717      1,984    þ   þ   þ   þ   þ   þ   þ     þ              1,255                730              1,985  
Martineau 7 66 S/W Shadwell Martineau         Pending In ALMO Bid 0.0 Not Applicable 0.0 ESG Formation Deferred 0.0 Not Applicable         136           78         214  þ                                       136                  82                214 ########
Pitsea 7 68 S/W Shadwell Pitsea         Pending In ALMO Bid 1.5 PPCR introduced to Group 0.0 ESG Formation Deferred 0.0 Not Applicable         156         106         262  þ                                       154                108                262 ########
Tarling West 7 77 S/W Shadwell Tarling West         Pending In ALMO Bid 1.1 Estate(s) Leafleted 0.0 ESG Formation Deferred 0.0 Not Applicable           80           41         121  þ                                         76                  44                120 ########
Watney Market 7 79 S/W Shadwell Watney Market         Pending In ALMO Bid 2.1 R/ESG agrees Stage 2 Consultation Programme 0.0 ESG Progress Deferred 0.0 Not Applicable           84           49         133  þ   þ   þ                                     89                  43                133 ########
Shadwell & Solander Gardens 6 73 S/W Shadwell Shadwell Gardens & Solander Gardens Abu Islam   Sabaj Uddin   In - pre ballot Withdrawn from Transfer programme after ALMO bid 6.0 Stage 2 is completed 4.7 RSL Partner selected - Estates now in Stage 3   Not Applicable         276         224         500    þ   þ   þ   þ   þ   þ                       276                224                500 ########
Tarling East 1 77 S/W Shadwell Tarling East       THCH Completed Transfer completed 6.0 Stage 2 is completed 6.0 Transfer completed   Not Applicable          74          60         134    þ   þ   þ   þ   þ   þ   þ       þ                   74                  60                134  
Norton House, E1 2 77 S/W Shadwell Norton House Abu Islam   Sabaj Uddin THCH In - post ballot Transfer completed 6.0 Stage 2 is completed 5.0 Ballot Completed   Not Applicable           30           37           67    þ   þ   þ   þ   þ   þ   þ                         29                  38                  67  
Glamis 2 64 S/W Shadwell Glamis Rosemary Vincent   Jo Dowle EastendHomes In - post ballot Voted for Transfer -Post Ballot - Preparing for transfer 6.0 Stage 2 is completed 5.0 Ballot Completed   Not Applicable         197         151         348    þ   þ   þ   þ   þ   þ   þ                       197                151                348 ########
Limehouse 7 65 S/W St Dunstans & Stepney Green Limehouse         Pending In ALMO Bid 1.5 PPCR introduced to Group 0.0 ESG Formation Deferred 0.0 Not Applicable         369         125         494  þ                                       369                125                494 ########
Ocean NDC 3 67 S/W St Dunstans & Stepney Green Ocean NDC     Niall McGowan / Imamul Choudhury   In - pre ballot Separate Regeneration Strategy 6.0 Stage 2 is completed 4.7 RSL Partner selected - Estates now in Stage 3   Not Applicable      1,082         483      1,565    þ   þ   þ   þ   þ   þ                    1,082                483              1,565 ########
Exmouth 2 63 S/W St Dunstans & Stepney Green Exmouth Carol Martin   Jo Dowle Swan In - post ballot Transfer completed 6.0 Stage 2 is completed 5.0 Ballot Completed   Not Applicable         433         239         672    þ   þ   þ   þ   þ   þ   þ                       433                239                672  
Clichy 8 61 S/W St Dunstans & Stepney Green/Whitechapel Clichy/Stepney Green  Carol Martin       Other Option In ALMO Bid 6.0 Stage 2 is completed 0.0 Balloted against transfer   Not Applicable         581         455      1,036  þ   þ   þ   þ   þ   þ   þ   þ                         301                222                523 ########
Stepney Green   62 SW St Dunstans & Stepney Green/Whitechapel Clichy/Stepney Green            In ALMO Bid                                                          281                255                536 ########
Stephen & Matilda TMO 7 75 S/W St Katherines & Wapping Matilda House         Pending In ALMO Bid 3.1 Dispatched shortlist questions to RSLs 0.0 ESG Progress Deferred 0.0 Not Applicable           42           91         133  þ   þ   þ   þ                                   42                  91                133 ########
Riverside   69 S/W St Katherines & Wapping             In ALMO Bid                                                          142                  52                194 ########
Royal Mint    70 S/W St Katherines & Wapping             In ALMO Bid                                                          137                  32                169 ########
Wapping    78 S/W St Katherines & Wapping             In ALMO Bid                                                          437                316                753 ########
South Quay TMO 8 74 S/W St Katherines & Wapping South Quay Estate          Enfranchise Leasehold Enfranchisment pending - costs relate to tenants properties only 1.7 Assessment made of R/ESG’s capability and capacity, to inform “briefings/training” 0.0 Housing Choice Process suspended by Leasehold Enfranchisment Notice 0.0 Not Applicable           47         249         296  þ                                         47                249                296 ########
St. Georges 1 76 S/W St Katherines & Wapping St. Georges Asad Jaman   Jo Dowle EastendHomes Completed Transfer completed 6.0 Stage 2 is completed 6.0 Transfer completed   Not Applicable         296         188         484    þ   þ   þ   þ   þ   þ   þ       þ                 295                189                484  
Berner 7 60 S/W Whitechapel Berner         Pending In ALMO Bid 1.0 Not Applicable 0.0 ESG Formation Deferred 0.0 Not Applicable         250         260         510  þ                                       250                260                510 ########
Sidney Street 7 71, 72 S/W Whitechapel Sidney Street North, Sidney Street South Asad Jaman       Pending In ALMO Bid 0.0 Not Applicable 0.0 ESG Progress Deferred 0.0 Not Applicable         533         368         901  þ   þ   þ   þ   þ                               533                368                901 ########
Sheltered blocks 1 80   Scattered       Carol Martin   Darren Price BGVPHA Completed Transfer completed 6.0 Stage 2 is completed 6.0 Transfer completed   Not Applicable         238           -           238    þ   þ   þ   þ   þ   þ   þ       þ                 238                  -                  238 £0