MEDIUM TERM FINANCIAL PLAN 2011/12 - 2013/14  
  2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14   2014/15
  £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000   £'002
  Initial Budget (adjusted for Formula Grant changes) 297,926 337,097 310,960 292,540   294,134
  Inflation and Other Contingencies 3,194 -12  
  Savings implementation (Cabinet December 2010 refers)  3,450 -3,450  
  Projected overspend 2010/11 688 -688  
  Funding of budget amendments agreed at Cabinet 9/2/2011 934 -1,068 -366 200  
  Inflation  4,491 4,600 4,600   2655
  Committed Growth   
  Approved to date  3,691[1] 0   0
  Growth 2011-12 onwards- -assume can be met from existing contingencies in 11/12 5,500 5,800 4,750   3500
  2010/11 savings target (Cabinet 7/7/10)                              
    Reduction in Area Based Grant 4,125    
  Loss of LPSA Reward Grant etc 1,727 -1727  
    One-off savings towards 2010/11 target -5,330 5330    
    Ongoing savings towards 2010/11 target -2,790    
    Increase/ reduction in budget contingency              2,268   -5330            
  Approved to date  -4,520 239  
  Other Adjustments Required  
  Provision for increases in levies 353  
  Capital Financing and Investment  2,365 777 -827 134   0
  Pensions Fund  900 1,250 1,250   0
  One off spending in 2008/09 -317  
  Other Funding   
  Prioritisation of Area Based Grant -295 3,707  
  Service Improvement Growth   
  LAP Budgets -2,380  
  Contribution to Investment Reserve 2,900  
  Contribution to General Balances  3,000  
  Transfer of Grants 26,728  
  Council Tax Freeze Grant  -1,961  
  Transitional Grant -4,143 4,143  
  Annual savings target -29,322 -33,020 -9,340   -19450
  Budget Requirement      295,498   297,926   337,097   310,960   292,540   294,134   280,839
  Formula Grant  -224,997 -228816 -232,204 -229,673 -211,835 -211,411   -198,938
  Formula Grant adjustment  -26,728  
  Collection Fund Surplus / Deficit -1,505 2000 -3,478 -2,549    
  68,996 71,110   74,687   78,738   80,705   82,723   81,901
  Council Tax Base  79,705 80303 84,343 88,917 91,139 93,417   95,752
  Recommended Band D Council Tax - Tower Hamlets  £836.37 £865.64 £885.52 £885.52 £885.52 £885.52 £885.52   £855.34
  Change in Council Tax 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%   -3.41%  
  Cumulative savings target (Three Year Budget)  -71,682  
  NB Forecasts are incremental year on year, not cumulative  
  Salaries     142,557    135,429       132,043       128,742  
12.5% 7.1% 0.2% 5.9%

3491+tackling overcorwding 110 + Parking A/c 90