Original Budget 2010/11 Supporting People ABG Adjustment WNF ABG Adjustment Balance of unallocated ABG Correction of Corporate Management Support Services HR Positive Action Scheme Transfer of Homelessness from AHWB to D&R Transfer of FM from Resources to D&R CSF LSC ABG Adjustment Additional ABG allocation Sep 2010 Loss of LPSA Reward Grant Government grant reductions 2010 One-off 2010/11 savings On-going 2010/11 savings Revised Budget 2010/11
DIRECTORATE BUDGETS £000 £000     £000 £000 £000 £000     £000 £000 £000 £000 £000
Adults Health & Wellbeing 90,218 15,385 (2,230) (607) (1,810) 100,956
Children, Schools and Families 93,896 321 (1,728) (690) 91,799
Communities, Localities & Culture 74,911 (536) (25) 74,350
Development & Renewal 12,425 2,230 4,399 (295) 18,759
Chief Executive 13,369 11,226 524 (1,763) (265) 23,091
Resources 18,362 (524) 250 (4,399) (401) 13,288
Corporate/Capital 19,445 311[1] (250)   136 19,642
TOTAL 322,624 15,385 11,226 311 - - - - 321 136 - - (5,330) (2,790) 341,883
Payments to/from Balances   -
Inflation and Other Contingencies 6,066 [2] 2,268 8,334
Provision for future growth  2,200 2,200
ABG 2010/11   -
Committed Growth Approved to Date   -
Savings Approved to Date   -
Reduction in Specific Grants   -
One off Savings Towards 2010-11 Target   -
Ongoing Savings Towards 2010-11 Target   -
2009-10 Carry Forwards   -
Increase in Budget Contingency   -
London Pension Funds Authority Levy   -
Capital Financing & Investment   -
Parking Control A/C (3,310) (3,310)
Local Public Service Agreement (700) (700)
Efficiency Reserve 689 689
Funding for Accelerated Delivery Programme (1,802) 1,727 (75)
Insurance Fund 500 500
Contribution to Investment Reserve 2,900 2,900
One off Spending in 2008-09   -
Area Based Grant 
(15,385) (11,226) (311) (321) (136) 4,125 (42,052)
BUDGET REQUIREMENT 310,369 - - - - - - - - - - 5,852 (5,330) (522) 310,369
Net Budget 310,369,334

Unallocated ABG (before £4.125m reduction)
ABG Reduction - net effect of 2.711 reduction as we had unallocated ABG of £1.414m