Register of interests

Councillor David Edgar

Draft register of interests

I, Councillor David Edgar, a Member of the London Borough of Tower Hamlets give notice that I have the following pecuniary interests

Yourself Other relevant person (husband/wife/co-habitating partner)
Chief Operating Officer-Impetus PEF Consultant
2. SPONSORSHIP - Any payment or provision of any other financial benefit in relation to your work for the authority or elections
Yourself Other relevant person (husband/wife/co-habitating partner)
The Labour Party None
3. CONTRACTS - Contracts between you and the authority
Yourself Other relevant person (husband/wife/co-habitating partner)
None None
4. LAND - Any beneficial interest in land which is within the area of the authority
Yourself Other relevant person (husband/wife/co-habitating partner)
98 Copenhagen Place, E14 7DE 28 Chipka Street, E14 3LD (leasehold-One Housing Group Freeholders) 197 Campbell Road E3 4DP (Lease from Tower Hamlets Home)
5. LICENCES - Any licence to occupy land in the area of the authority for a month or longer
Yourself Other relevant person (husband/wife/co-habitating partner)
None None
6. CORPORATE TENANCIES - Any tenancies where the Landlord is the authority and the tenant a body in which you have a beneficial interest
Yourself Other relevant person (husband/wife/co-habitating partner)
None None
7. SECURITIES - beneficial interest in securities of a body
Yourself Other relevant person (husband/wife/co-habitating partner)
None None
8. OTHER INTERESTS - Appointments by the Authority
London Road Safety Council
London Councils Grants Committee (substitute)
London Councils Transport and Environment Committee
9. OTHER INTERESTS - Functions of a Public Nature
10. OTHER INTERESTS - Charities
Friends of Tower Hamlets Cemetery
Westmill Wind Farm Co-operative
Westmill Solar Co-operative
Co-operative Society
Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales
11. OTHER INTERESTS - Influencing Groups
Labour Party
Fabian Society
Labour Housing Group
Amnesty International
Socialist Education Association
Co-operative Party
12. Date form signed..
Updated: 30 MAY 2018
Published online by BM: 30 November 2018